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2007-04-14 17:59:09


[心測]你收到來自蛋糕王國的邀請函 你收到來自蛋糕王國的邀請函 是一個會讓人肚子餓的心測. 是分析關於你對金錢的態度. 某日,放學回家,你忽然收到一張來自蛋糕王國的Grand Opening邀請函,你毫不猶豫的前往...

2007-04-14 17:48:49


4.9 chat room (10:00—12:22) Hi, students. Welcome to the chat room. We have Doris with us today. Hi, Doris. Well, hi, Ken. It’s good to be on the chat room again. And what’s our topic for tod...

2007-04-14 16:57:59


一夕情話: 輿: ㄩˊ矜: ㄐ一ㄣ 躍: ㄩㄝˋ 殉: ㄒㄩㄣˋ 抉: ㄐㄩㄝˊ 褊: ㄅ一ㄢˇ 繯: ㄏㄨㄢˊ 壟: ㄌㄨㄥˇ 圜:ㄏㄨㄢˊ 惴: ㄓㄨㄟˋ 慄:ㄓㄨㄟˋ 矜莊:莊重;穩重。 情障:感情的煩惱。 無方:沒辦法。 ...

2007-04-13 19:28:21

4/2 chat room

4.2 chat room:( 18:20—20:50) Hi, students. Welcome to the chat room. We’re happy to have Linda as our guest teacher today. Hi , Linda. Hi, Ken. Hi, everyone. It’s nice to be back in the chat ro...

2007-04-13 19:26:24


我真是ㄍ瘋子.... 竟然會跟他去吃素!!! 跨步進入那ㄍ我從未進入的地方. 眼前所見,鼻子所聞,腳下所踩... 無一不是會讓我發狂的東西!! 手裡拿著盤子,本想拿完菜盡快離開此地!~ 但是...手上ㄉ盤子...

2007-04-11 19:38:09

3/26 Chat room

3/26 Chat room 18:15—20:25 Hi students. Welcome to the chat room. I ’m ken and I’m Steve. Ken, Hopefully today we’ll be able to clear some confusion, concerning the words boring and bored. Someti...

2007-04-11 19:37:45

3/19 Chat room

3/19 Chat room Hi friends. Welcome to the chat room. I’m Ken, and I’m Steve. Steve: Ken, I have a confession to make. Last week I was wearing my T-shirt backwards. Ken: Backwards? You mean you ...

2007-04-11 19:37:15

3/12 chat room

3/12 chat room (7:30—10:00) Hi, Students. Welcome to the chat room, we’re glad to have Linda in the chat room today. Linda: Hi Ken, hi everyone. Kan: Well, I’m glad you’re here because I hav...

2007-04-11 19:35:36

3/5 Chat room

3/5 Chat room 10:00~12:00 Hello friends and welcome to the chat room. I’m Andrea and ’m Ken. So Ken what are we going to chat about today? Well, our lesson talks about Steve Fossett and his test fo...

2007-04-11 18:57:19


Have a good time:玩的愉快 *Class reunion同學會 In no time:很快的 Cut down on:減少 *reduce:減少 *in order to:為了要.. heal:痊癒 Quite a few:相當多 *Attend:出席 Used to :過去曾經 *Cigarettes...

2007-04-10 19:39:46


[心測]死亡通緝令 有一條沒有橋的小河,你會把橋建在哪兒呢? ■水流平緩處 ■水流較緩處 ■水流較急處 ■水流湍急處 ■水流平緩處 你對人生有強烈的生存意志。你認爲自己想做的事還象山一樣的多...

2007-04-07 12:14:51


空中英語4月: 4/2 step: finest: delight: century: exotic: great: stuffed: species: design: adopt: nursery: browse: electronic: 4/3~4/4 probably: much more ...

2007-04-06 20:56:09

空中英語~3月 單字總整理

空中英語:單字 3/1~3/2 scene: hockey: spoiled: stick: most of the time: competitive: foolish: tempers: led: argument: qualities moody: area: confident: ...

2007-04-05 18:03:04


作詞:莊景雲 作曲:莊景雲 [ 歌詞說明 | 體驗動態歌詞 | 關閉歌詞顯示 ] 還記得第一次見面 妳的臉紅的像觸電 看著妳手足無措的表演 想掩飾掉這緊張的情節 還記得我看著妳的眼 妳的心跳我幾乎能夠聽...

2007-04-05 12:03:26


earings :耳環 bracelet:手環 necklace:項鍊 headphone:耳機 picture frame :項框 electronic organizer:文件檔案處理 board game:紙版遊戲 puzzle:拼圖 gift certificate:禮券(憑證) calendar:日歷 acces...

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