3/26 Chat room 18:15—20:25
Hi students. Welcome to the chat room. I ’m ken and I’m Steve. Ken, Hopefully today we’ll be able to clear some confusion, concerning the words boring and bored. Sometimes I hear students ask are you boring or do you feel boring? I hear that, too.
And that’s the native English speaker .That question really jokes my ears. Now if you ever asked a person are you boring what you actually asking is do you have the personality that’s dull and unexciting. Kind of funny question. And if I say I’m boring it means other people think I have an uninteresting personality Also pretty humorous. So Steve! How would a native English speaker ask another person is what your experiencing uninteresting Good question we would say or we would ask are you bored? b-o-r-e-d. Or do you feel bored ? If you, yourself feel this way then say I’m bored. Don’t say I’m boring. So when would we use the word boring? Well, Generally I like to reserve the word boring for things other than people like a book or a movie or speech for example. I wouldn’t say the speaker is boring I would say though that his or her speech is boring. Let’s go now to Michelle for her language tips which are never boring
4.2 chat room:( 18:20—20:50)
Hi, students. Welcome to the chat room. We’re happy to have Linda as our guest teacher today. Hi , Linda. Hi, Ken. Hi, everyone. It’s nice to be back in the chat room. What would you like to talk about today, Ken? Well, I’d like to talk about the last sentence of today’s article. It says after spending many wonderful hours inside, you will leave with a smile and that one special toy - if you can decide on just one!
Now there is a dash in the middle of that sentence, why is that?
I’m so glad you didn’t call that a hyphen. Well, a hyphen is used to make compound words like he is a well-known man you put a hyphen in the middle of well known, right! Putting well and known together we get a compound word well-known, that describes the man. So it’s considered one idea, so what does a dash do? Well, first we remember the dash is longer than a hyphen, that’s right, very important. Now a dash is usually used to create a pause in the sentence. Doesn’t a comma do that? Yes, a comma usually means a pause too. But a dash means to pause a little longer, especially for emphasis, like the way choose in the sentence in our article. Here at it is in the end of the sentence, but we also use a dash to set apart some explanatory information that interrupts the sentence. We can also use a comma for that purpose but a dash means a little bit longer of a pause. Got it! Let’s now go to Michelle for today’s language tips.