Missie"Interseting and detailed composition.Watch out the grammar when you revise the paper."
This homework I did it in a hurry,[each HW I do so]
So I will not correct the mistakes, may be you can see the final draft.
Name: Alice
Student no: 492420642
Date: 2005/2005/4/8
English composition
Title: The Political theory Between Lincoln and JFK
Both Lincoln and JFK are the ex-presidents in United States of America. And they have been assassinated and have set the African-Americans free from slavery and discrimination.
First in 19th Century Lincoln had fight for the civil rights of the African-Americans. When he enter the congress in 1846, he Proposed the opposition lengthens the slavery the bill. In 1860, he becomes president by the political program of Instead gathers slaves. But in 1861, the civil war burst out between the Northern Americans and Southern Americans. At that time there were many immigrants from Europe and China to the California, the North America. Different culture mixed together. But the Southern Americans still engaged in the agriculture to plough the life primarily and they needed the black slave to make the labor force. So they were supporting the slavery and opposed Lincoln proposed bill intensely. Then he emphasized this subject, ‘the declaration must defend the national dignity, but abolishes the slavery.’ when the civil war busted out. In 1863, although the north armed force won the civil war; many soldiers were died in Gettysburg War. So Lincoln gave out a speech in Gettysburg, what he was saying was not to congratulate upon the win of the war but a eulogy which touched one deeply in the heart. He praised the ones who sacrifice themselves in that war, and said that what they need to do was to finish their unfulfilled wish; he used a circumlocutory way to counsel all the citizens to live for freedom and equality. From the Gettysburg Address, ‘under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people’. The Gettysburg Address was presented At last the North armed force won the battle, and finally the African-Americans were free from the slavery in 1865.
And in the 20th Century, although the slavery has been abolished, there the discrimination still existed in the USA society at that time; the African Americans were considered as the second-class citizens. Unlike Lincoln to fight against the slavery, JFK devotes to relieves American's racial discrimination when he was in office president the period, during that time was the Cuban Missile Crisis and the cold war, so that time not only the problems inside the nation and between the countries. JFK had made him most famous speech, Inaugural Address. Different from the tact of Lincoln in Gettysburg Address, JFK showed his ambition and called upon the Americans and the world citizens to fight for freedom and their lives. As it was said in that address, ‘and so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.’ This address helps the African-Americans for the civil rights and they can live in the society freely without discrimination from 1955 by now.
Both of these ex-presidents fight for the civil rights for the African American, but I think that was a progress. Without Lincoln’s effort in the 18th Century and he broke down the slavery and made some of the people realized that there should not be differentiation among the people in the world. JFK might not be able to fight upon the discrimination in the 1950’s and corrected the people wrong idea.