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Macao Consumers’ Awarenes, Attitude and Product Labeling towards GM (Genetically modified) Food Products   






1.     Introduction

2.     Exposure and level of awareness of GM Foods ofconsumers in Macao

3.     Lack of regulations and resources of GM foodinformation and labeling in Macau

4.     Research questions

5.     Concept and plan on the research


1.     Introduction

ž  Purchasing attitude on GM foods (consciously or unconsciously) of Macao citizens

ž  The food legislation in Macao is imperfect & less

ž  Most of the food in Macao mainly rely on imports (esp.PRC)

ž  Macao public awareness of GM modified foods (high /low?)

ž  Food price in inflation in Asia, especially inChina, HK SAR and Macau SAR


2.     Exposure and level of awareness of GM Foods ofconsumers in Macao

ž  In Health Bureau in Macao web page, no detailedinformation of GM food was found

ž  Public awareness of GM foods is not high

ž  In contrast, organic food has a certain market inMacau

ž  Little informed from public and the government,consumers have lower knowledge of GM food

ž  Lack of awareness of the food product they consumedaily might be a genetically modified


3.     Lack of regulations and resources of GM foodinformation and labeling in Macau

ž  The implementation of the food labeling in Macaohas been come into effect on 2008/1/1, legislation of Degreeno. 50/92/M (food labeling laws)

ž  Many loopholes and lack of relevant information innutrition labeling. Nutrition claims and the labeling of genetically modifiedfoods.

ž  Macao government provide not enough information onGM food/ GMOs to public

ž  With reference on the HK, PRC & other Asiancountries for the GM food regulation


4.     Research questions

ž  How Macau citizens consider about the GM food?

ž  Consumer’s attitude towards GM food

ž  Willingness to pay (WTP)

ž  Acceptance of the GM food

ž  Changing the purchasing attitude with someconditions (lower price, providing positive information to public)

ž  Opinions in GM food labeling

ž  What the respondents will take first intoconsideration? (Hungry, health, safe, budget?)

ž  Education level of respondents

ž  Monthly income of the respondents

ž  Food security level among the respondents


5.     Concept and plan on the research

ž  Macao citizens’ concept of GM food and GM foodlabeling will be discussed.

ž  GM food mandatory labeling in Macao can act as analert to the public for their purchasing attitude?

ž  The purchasing confidence in GM foods

ž  What is the correlation to the purchasing behavior amongthe Macao citizens

ž  Will the food purchasing behavior be influencedafter public education on GM foods?

ž  GM foods versus non-GM food (the tendency ofpurchasing)

ž  Public confidence of the food product in Macao (foodscandals in China, PRC)


Process of the research: questionnaire for the random survey à data analysis àcomparing the result to other countries



台長: Ame.
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