這篇文章寫了好一段時間,一方面實在是因為對西蒙波娃不熟(雖然我也不是要寫女性主義,寫的是一種我會特別另外再定義的「女性氣質」),找了資料後,就擱著也沒看; 另一方面,也是最近實在太忙,沒有時間回頭收個尾。不過,也重要的是,寫著寫著,才發現這個題目比我原先想的困難許多。
而是什麼「不一樣」呢?在下一篇文章回答這個問題之前,想寫寫在寫這篇文章過程中的一些感動。其實,如同一開始說的,原本是想從西蒙波娃開始寫,寫到了「偉大的題目,後頭也總有個偉大的論述的歷史」之後,我就開始想在我們的歷史裡,怎樣討論「知識份子」這個題目,然後,余英時是第一個浮現在我腦海的名字。從大學時知道這個名字,讀他的書,總是有很多的感動,我還記得是在一個好友家,一口氣看完他的【從價值系統看中國文化的現代意義】; 借了室友的書,【中國近代思想史上的胡適】,躺在床上讀完的。然後還有看完了那本大紅外皮的【歷史與思想】後,讓我跟著完林毓生的【思想與人物】。而現在寫這篇文章,討論「知識份子」,更是不能忽略他的【中國知識階層】,及【士與中國文化】,以及許多短篇文章。
不想那麼多了,找了屠格涅夫的一篇短文詩,【The old woman】,也許可以多少當是現在的一些心情。
I was walking over a wide plain alone.
And suddenly I fancied light, cautious footsteps behind my back. . . . Some one was walking after me.
I looked round, and saw a little, bent old woman, all muffled up in grey rags. The face of the old woman alone peeped out from them; a yellow, wrinkled, sharp-nosed, toothless face.
I went up to her. . . . She stopped.
'Who are you? What do you want? Are you a beggar? Do you seek alms?'
The old woman did not answer. I bent down to her, and noticed that both her eyes were covered with a half-transparent membrane or skin, such as is seen in some birds; they protect their eyes with it from dazzling light.
But in the old woman, the membrane did not move nor uncover the eyes . . . from which I concluded she was blind.
'Do you want alms?' I repeated my question. 'Why are you following me?' But the old woman as before made no answer, but only shrank into herself a little.
I turned from her and went on my way.
And again I hear behind me the same light, measured, as it were, stealthy steps.
'Again that woman!' I thought, 'why does she stick to me?' But then, I added inwardly, 'Most likely she has lost her way, being blind, and now is following the sound of my steps so as to get with me to some inhabited place. Yes, yes, that's it.'
But a strange uneasiness gradually gained possession of my mind. I began to fancy that the old woman was not only following me, but that she was directing me, that she was driving me to right and to left, and that I was unwittingly obeying her.
I still go on, however . . . but, behold, before me, on my very road, something black and wide . . . a kind of hole . . . 'A grave!' flashed through my head. 'That is where she is driving me!'
I turned sharply back. The old woman faced me again . . . but she sees! She is looking at me with big, cruel, malignant eyes . . . the eyes of a bird of prey. . . . I stoop down to her face, to her eyes. . . . Again the same opaque membrane, the same blind, dull countenance. . . .
'Ah!' I think, 'this old woman is my fate. The fate from which there is no escape for man!'
'No escape! no escape! What madness. . . . One must try.' And I rush away in another direction.
I go swiftly. . . . But light footsteps as before patter behind me, close, close. . . . And before me again the dark hole.
Again I turn another way. . . . And again the same patter behind, and the same menacing blur of darkness before.
And whichever way I run, doubling like a hunted hare . . . it's always the same, the same!
'Wait!' I think, 'I will cheat her! I will go nowhere!' and I instantly sat down on the ground.
The old woman stands behind, two paces from me. I do not hear her, but I feel she is there.
And suddenly I see the blur of darkness in the distance is floating, creeping of itself towards me!
God! I look around again . . . the old woman looks straight at me, and her toothless mouth is twisted in a grin.
No escape!
註:圖是容格,Carl G. Jung (1875-1961),瑞士精神分析學家(我很有可能已經用過容格的照片了,但我實在太喜歡他了)。容格與佛洛依德之間的關係與決裂,是精神分析學史的一個重要課題。前些日子在巴黎,上演了一部【L'ame en jeu】,就多多少少涉及了這段歷史,而這電影裡,如同許多討論他們決裂的討論一樣,就用佛洛依德的「伊底帕斯情結(弒父情結)」來解釋。我一直不同意這樣的看法,而我覺得解釋他們之間決裂的方法,也許正好就是容格的「集體潛意識」----現代的佛洛依德,與非現代的容格之間,所必然的衝突。
同樣的,也許我現下對於余英時的批評,也是因為「集體潛意識」上的不同吧!!ix 我們對於「母親」這個原型,因為不同的時代、不同的土地,而使得這個原型,會生成、創造出不過的「集體潛意識」。而我的問題是,面對她,我們真的無路可逃嗎?