First of all: Limbo is a shared dream space where everyone's subconscious can create. It's like a place where everyone is the dreamer and subject at the same time. If they got trapped in limbo right, why didn't they just kill themselves to get out of that? There are two ways to enter Limbo: >You can die and "drop" into Limbo like Fischer and Saito do. When you drop into Limbo your mind loses sight of reality and comes to accept Limbo as reality because your mind creates and perceives within Limbo simultaneously. >You can manually enter Limbo like Cobb, Mal, and Ariadne do via the dream machines. In this case you can retain knowledge that you're entering Limbo and see it for what it is. In the film they're afraid of being killed because then they'll drop into Limbo and come to accept it as reality, where they will spend over a lifetime. Cobb and Mal, whats there excuse of been trapped down there all so long? Why not just do themselves them in right there and there? Cobb says that for a long time Cobb and Mal enjoyed the uninhibited creation and feeling like gods. It wasn't until decades later that Cobb and Mal became dissatisfied with Limbo because they knew it wasn't real. Cobb responds to this by wanting to wake up. Mal responds to this by making herself forget that Limbo isn't real. Cobb and Satio...Satio gets old...but Cobb doesn't? How so, how does Satio get into the same time period of time in Cobb's world? Your body within a dream is a projection of your subconscious. As we are shown, Eames is someone who can consciously alter his appearance. Similarly, your age within a dream is projected by your subconscious. Saito, having dropped into Limbo, believes that he is in reality, so his projection of his body ages. Cobb realizes he is only in a dream, so his projection of his body does not age. Adriana, Frescher...they died and came back in the other dream and they were fine. I mean if Cobb and Mal done this wouldn't they simply have gone back into the dream before hand? It depends. We see that Limbo persists so long as there are people connected to the dream share. When Cobb and Saito kill themselves to wake up they wind up in reality because the other dreams have ended by this point. So it really depends on WHEN you wake from Limbo. |