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2005-06-21 20:15:51


He didn't take my Panadol yesterday. The reason? He thought it's pain reliever and he was just having a sinus. Sigh...... can't he see it's for sinus as well? Never mind, he is American, he doesn't kn...

2005-06-20 22:06:04

Actually Sick

He finally got sick. Today is his eighth day of work, just like me. I guess he is having sinus or fever. His stupid buddy colleague didn't even care and let him skip lunch in order to help him with HI...

2005-06-18 23:40:32

Dear You

Dear You, How's dinner tonight? Not the food, I mean your feelings. I wanted to believe that you were missing me as much as I was missing you. The reason I didn't join was very stupid, but I gue...

2005-06-18 23:21:04


I think I will get sick very soon. Didn't have dinner for two days, wanna vomit when I saw food, heart couldn't stop from aching whenever I think of him. Sounds familiar huh? Yes, it happened ...

2005-06-12 23:09:07

Lose Weight

It was like this: Last week I was in a boat trip with my colleagues. I wore T-shirt and skirt, nothing too extraordinary. I was enjoying my conversation with the middle-aged cruise owner, while my col...

2005-06-04 23:57:42

Let it go

Dear Myself, So you are stuck again this time?Not Again!! He is not that great, afterall. Don't you understand? You are just repeating your tragedy over and over. You emotions went uphill a...

2005-05-20 20:55:09


Candy Candy !! This is a pair of shoes from a friend of mine. I was amazed by the graphics and would definitely have a pair of these in future. To my surprise, the pattern was drawn, not painted. ...

2005-05-15 00:56:21

Now that''s what I called professional!

Visited the APM, the newest shopping mall in Kwun Tong today with a friend of mine. Not bad really. In fact, I could say APM is full of potentials and possibilties. First of all, it allows possibiliti...

2005-05-10 23:30:00


Went to Tsingtao with my folks last week for 8 days. Terribly exhausted, mainly because of the long hours spent on bus rides. Six hours from a place to another? No way!! I would pay extra if they offe...

2005-04-26 00:46:08

Look Further

I need to look further, I need to look away, I need to distrust what I see. It's not true, maybe. It can be all wrong. Maybe. I need to look at the big picture instead of a partial corner. I ne...

2005-04-23 00:21:27

九十年代 (三) >

「卡通片」這名詞已經很少聽見。不記得何時,卡通片已被「動畫」一詞取代,也許是從英文的Animation這詞彙意會過來。 每一個年代都有毎個年代的回憶,童年回憶亦不例外。九十年代成長的我們是被卡通片餵大的。除了...

2005-04-22 00:07:30


是我小時候最愛的卡通片之一,我尤其喜歡小桃的變身化粧盒和變身棒,其實自己也有一枝 (記憶之中這枝心形變身棒也貴, 好像五十多元),很多時候我也愛模仿小桃變身揮棒的動作, 在空中畫出一個treble clef(中文是高音譜...

2005-04-20 00:16:47
2005-04-17 00:52:51


淚珠喚醒了我 眼前一片灰黑 心臟被壓得快要墜地 腥味的水灌入苦澀的腸 熱情早被倒流的眼淚淹沒 腦袋一籃子問號漸成感歎問號 哀愁一縷縷進入鼻孔 化成口腔呼出的孤獨 琴鍵奏出悲傷的A小調 一顆顆淒美的音...

2005-04-16 23:50:40

The Best is Yet to Come

The Best Is Yet To Come 歌手:At 17 | 作曲:林一峰 填詞:林一峰 | 編曲:李端嫻@人山人海 永遠有一個吻未嘗 有些燭光未燃亮 若愛太苦要落糖 結他斷線亦無恙 To hug someone To kiss someone ...

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