這是我第二次介紹碧可羅嘉的歌曲。第一首是WhenI see your smile,是首簡短動聽的情歌。而這次介紹的歌曲曲風有點類似,但歌詞從戀愛變成感情生變,催促做錯事的男方快點去挽留女孩的情境。這個啊,感情事還不要多說的好,我們還是把重點放在美好的曲調上吧。反正這些歌詞有些我也翻不出來,就算了。
話說裡頭有句歌詞我還挺愛的,就是what's the use of having pride if you don't have her。這跟優客李林的輸了你贏了世界又如何有異曲同工之妙啊。
She left on a Monday
She's a siren down the road
In your herringbone overcoat
That you don't expect to get back
And it's an ordinary sky
Today's like any other day
When all of the aeroplanes
Write her name in the clouds
And nothing's wrong
But it's already Sunday
And you know just how Sunday
Was the day that she would come around?
Go to her foolish man
What's the use of having pride if you don't have her?
She'll endure all she can
But you could make this easier on her
It's all like sinking
You're trying to stay afloat
Like a wind blown paperboat
Over uncharted sea
There's no question why
You're driving to kill some time
Racing the power lines
Back into town
Go to her foolish man
What's the use of having pride if you don't have her?
She'll endure all she can
But you could make this easier on her
Go to her foolish man
What's the use of having pride if you don't have her?
She'll endure all she can
But you could make this easier on her
Make this easier on her
Make this easier on her
Make this easier on her
Siren:迷人的女人 妖婦
Herringbone: 〔織物上的〕鯡骨式圖案﹐人字形圖案