you're the ship on my whole life sun
you're my harbour in the star
you're my life light
you're the anchor
so hold me close i keep me warm
i'll do anything to keep me close to you
oh darling you look thru me
you know what love about
i'll do anything to keep me close to you
oh darling you ring to me
tell me inside out
love me tender love me true
hold me close is up to you
i'll do anything to keep me close to you
oh close to you is the way i want to be
話說最近這段日子以來我買了不少黑膠唱片,有些貴到不像話,有些則是一張10元。當然全新的黑膠唱片沒啥雜音,加上能夠重刻出版的大多是超級名盤之類的好物。但說實話我也挺愛七八零年代的許多流行歌曲,黑膠聽起來更動聽。之前到台北敦南誠品因緣際會認識一位先生,跟她打交道一次買一百多張,台版一張10元,原版一張30元。這種一批貨物一次買斷的做法當然沒啥挑選的機會,唱片水準參庛不齊是可以理解的,但其中一些唱片還真是令人感到驚艷。這首close to you是在一張台版合集中發現的。雖然有些小爆音,無損這首優美曲子的表現。上網搜尋發覺是一個阿根廷女子團體的作品,在台灣有金瑞瑤發唱成千年之愛。是首純愛之作,值得聆聽。