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時事英文》窮則變,變則通(do or die)

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* 經濟日報/朱文章

中國重慶輕軌楊家坪站,有棟孤零零的二層小樓,矗立挖空的工地中央,網友稱為「史上最牛釘子戶」。屋主與開發商僵持三年,並視死如歸(to have a death warrant ),死守屋內。台灣俗語「人肉鹹鹹」,形容「奉陪到底」的不屈精神,英文說成「像樹長在那裏」(this person is“planted”),也就是說,想要路過,除非把他剷除掉。


例:“John drives very fast on his motorcycle and never wears a helmet. He must have a death warrant because he drives dangerously.”「約翰騎車飛快又不戴安全帽,一付視死如歸的樣子。」

“I am planted here and you will have to kill me before you get through!”「人肉鹹鹹,我奉陪到底就是。」

釘子戶無視法院判決,抱緊瓦斯桶死守,是且戰且走(fight or flight)的本能反應。好處撈不到,就蠻幹到底,這種走著瞧的心態,英文說成「跳火車」(jump train),頗有異曲同工之妙。

例:“The legislator attacked and the other just went into fight or flight mode and punched him in the face. Luckily, the guards arrived and made the chaos stop soon.”「立法委員打成一團,所幸駐警及時趕到,化解糾紛。」

“This company is going bankrupt. There is a job opening with another company, but the pay is less.Looks like I’ll have to jump train and take my chances.”「公司狀況不佳,跳槽新公司待遇又不好,只好走一步算一步。」


與這種牛脾氣的人談判,希望多數會落空(to find a needle in a haystack),最起碼也要曠日廢時(a long away game),因為對方誤解孫子兵法的「死地則戰」,不按牌理出牌,繼而打一場不尋常的戰爭(play on a different field)。

例:“When you think about it, considering the relationships of the companies, finding wrongdoing in this group is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.”「這個關係企業內部運作錯綜複雜,抓它的毛病簡直難如登天。」

“Tomorrow we launch the campaign and wait for reinforcements, if they even make it to us. This will be a long away game, men.”「明天正式開戰,後勤支援還沒完全搞定,這場仗要怎麼打?」


“Although there are many suppliers to choose from in our industry, we play on a different field with our creative sales tools and unique customer’s value propositions.”「競爭很大,我們仍以優越的銷售能力及獨特的客戶關係勝出。」

據傳釘子戶獅子大開口,建商不願配合,案子才兩敗俱傷(both sides lose)。相較之下,首都台北市富都飯店賣給建商,國民黨榮譽主席連戰所居住的一品大廈也要改建,在在反映雙贏是可行的策略。

美國房產大亨川普初試啼聲之作,就是使出渾身解數(everything but the kitchen sink),結合創意和法令,將紐約中央車站旁瀕臨倒閉的飯店改建成一流商務旅館,重振衰敗的商用地區,更賺進六倍獲利。

這種「窮則變,變則通」(do or die)的賣力演出,或許才是孫子所謂「死地則戰」的兵法真諦。

“The competitor made a surprise offensive in the market. We pushed them back but lost tremendous so sometimes both sides lose.”「對手在市場發動奇襲,我們好不容易才把局面擺平,但也損失慘重,真是兩敗俱傷。」

“We lost last night but I am still proud of our team because we threw everything but the kitchen sink at them.”「昨天晚上我們輸了球賽,但我們使盡全力的奮戰精神真讓人激賞。」

“The company had to win the contract like do or die games for a baseball team to make the play-offs.”「公司爭取訂單的精神,就像全力想要進入決賽圈的球隊一樣奮戰不懈。」


【2007/04/15 經濟日報】

台長: 台北光點
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