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2005-03-24 22:41:23| 人氣173| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

after exam

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23rd march...was finished exam...i thought chinese history was hard..because all classmates thought the timer was not enough..my arm was tired when finished the history exam....my god...!!one hours needs to you write ten pages question ....one questions gave ten lines ....you should written enough that ten lines...the last ten minutes..i only done the pages eight...so..my arm can train to play guitar ...haha...

after exam...i must always play the guitar...sometimes play basketball..and see film with my brother...very tall and very short....haha...

台長: 陳氏
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全站分類: 校園社團(社團、班級、校友會、同學會)

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