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TESOL&TKT Certifications

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**中文全部都是我自己翻譯的.對於我從小學英文就是全美語的我有點困難.因為上課根本不可能講中文或用中文!!我的行業是”英語教學”跟筆譯口譯或去國外企業外派等等是截然不同的行業.現在朝向訓練師的方向走還有劍橋兒童英檢教學和監考的興趣走.所以翻譯或當英文秘書我沒興趣.因為他們不是在教學的工作.最終目的把台灣人的英文教的跟新加坡人一樣好~我現在的工作職稱叫做兒童英語教師與教師訓練師助理(English Teacher for young learners and Teacher Training Assistant)


.我去念的第一種證書~TESOL – Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 教非英語為母語的學習人士英文(國際英語教學證書)

Features of the TESOL Course 英語教學課程目的

*The new Cambridge University TKT international exam is included in the course fee 最新的劍橋大學英語教學知識考試有包含在課程內

*Teaching practice internship included 其中包括教師訓練

*Intensive one month course taught by highly experienced and qualified international teacher trainers 有經驗豐富和合格的國際訓練師來教授這密集課程

*There is 35 hours a week of contact time plus an additional 10 hours a week of self directed study 一週有35小時包括十個小時的自我的自修

TESOL is an intensive, 5– week, full time, English Language Teaching Methodology Course. The course is designed to give you a range of practical skills for use with groups and individuals in the language classroom. The course enables you to:(國際英語教學課程是一門為期五週密集英語教學理論的課程.課程是被設計用來教授個人一對一與團體的教學技巧範圍)

*Acquire essential knowledge and familiarity with the principles of effective teaching -可以取得重要的教學知識與有效率的方法
*Acquire a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners -可以有練習教學成人學習英文者的技巧
*Demonstrate your ability to apply your learning in a real teaching context -現場實地教學能力讓您所學的教學發揮
*Experienced teachers will be able to up grade their skills -已經有經濟的老師可以提升他們的教學能力技巧
*Develop your English Language ability through practice and use -透過練習與運用來發展英與能力

In addition to the core teaching skills that you will learn, you will also gain: (除了一些教學的必修的課程外您也會學到)

Confidence in the classroom and in front of groups of people – a great plus if you make presentations in your work :在一個團體表現出自我信心-如果您在工作在有成果發表會的話

Increased knowledge of available materials and resources -提升可用教材與資源的知識

The opportunity to observe and assess experienced teachers in the classroom -有機會去觀摩有經驗的老師

Work with course participants from other countries -跟其他國家的參與者互動

Pre -TESOL Language Preparation for Teachers (TLP)
TLP is a 5 week full time course. Course entry is subject to level placement test and a minimum number if participants.

..我去念的第二種證書~The Cambridge University Teachers Knowledge Test (TKT) 劍橋大學英語教學知識考試

We are proud to announce that candidates for our TESOL course will also sit the new Cambridge University TKT exam, which will give them an internationally recognised certificate. The exam fee is included in the course fee. The TKT exams can be taken around the world and for the first time offers teachers an internationally recognised standard.

An Overview of TKT-英語教學知識考試背景

TKT tests professional knowledge about the teaching of English to speakers of other languages. It should be noted that TKT tests teaching knowledge rather than teaching ability and that language proficiency, e.g. listening, speaking and extended writing, are not tested.

TKT can be taken at any stage in a teacher’s career and offers candidates a step in their professional development and enables them to move on to higher-level teaching qualifications and access professional support materials such as journals about English language teaching (ELT).

The TKT Exam format and syllabus areas 考試摘要與格式

TKT consists of three free-standing modules each testing different areas of teaching knowledge. -包括三種不同的型式每一種皆在考不同的教學知識

The three modules are: 這三種型式為:
Language and background to language learning and teaching -語言學習與教學背景
Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching-規劃課程與教學的資源
Managing the teaching and learning process -管理教學與學習程序

Who is the TESOL course for? 誰來參與國際英語教學課程?

TESOL participants are either practising or aspiring English language teachers. Participants have come from a range of backgrounds. Some participants have just finished university; some from the business world and some have already been teaching but want to upgrade their skills.

What are the TESOL entry requirements? 國際英語教學的入學門檻?

Participants should have an IELTS score (or equivalent) of between 5.0 and 6.0 ( Academic) or Cambridge First Certificate ‘A’ or ‘B’ pass. Participants without IELTS should have a ‘High intermediate’ level of spoken English fluency. The TOEFL test would be acceptable either, or even the placement test “High Intermediate Level.”


You may also be a graduate from our 5 week Pre TESOL Language Preparation Course for Teachers (TLP) course, which runs prior to the TESOL course. The TLP course is designed to improve the teacher’s language skills before the TESOL

The TESOL Syllabus Areas 國際英語教學課程大致內容
The core areas of the TESOL syllabus are:
1. Language Skills Development 語言能力發展
2. Grammatical and Language Awareness 文法與語言須知
3. Lesson observation 課程觀摩
4. Classroom Management 教室管理
5. Materials and task evaluation 教材與作業評估
6. Teaching Practice 教學示範
7. Methodology Development 理論發展

Who will teach the course? 誰會來教導這一門課程?

All trainers have worked internationally and bring a wide range of key experience, qualifications and knowledge to the course. All TESOL trainers undergo a rigorous selection and training process. To further enhance quality we invest in recruiting top trainers from other centres around the globe to work in New Zealand. To ensure that our trainers are up to date with methodology. Teacher Training Department also encourages the TESOL tutors to work abroad each year on the international training/teaching circuit.

台長: 愛旅遊的大男孩
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