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[UVA][字串處理] 848 - Fmt

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The unix fmt program reads lines of text, combining and breaking lines so as to create an output file with lines as close to without exceeding 72 characters long as possible. The rules for combining and breaking lines are as follows.

  • A new line may be started anywhere there is a space in the input. If a new line is started, there will be no trailing blanks at the end of the previous line or at the beginning of the new line.

  • A line break in the input may be eliminated in the output, provided it is not at the end of a blank or empty line and is not followed by a space or another line break. If a line break is eliminated, it is replaced by a space.

  • Spaces never appear at the end of a line.

  • If a sequence of characters longer than 72 characters appears without a space or line break, it appears by itself on a line.

Sample Input 

   Unix fmt

The unix fmt program reads lines of text, combining
and breaking lines so as to create an
output file with lines as close to without exceeding
72 characters long as possible.  The rules for combining and breaking
lines are as follows.

   1.  A new line may be started anywhere there is a space in the input.
If a new line is started, there will be no trailing blanks at the
end of the previous line or at the beginning of the new line.

   2.  A line break in the input may be eliminated in the output, provided
it is not followed by a space or another line break.  If a line
break is eliminated, it is replaced by a space.

Sample Output 

   Unix fmt

The unix fmt program reads lines of text, combining and breaking lines
so as to create an output file with lines as close to without exceeding
72 characters long as possible.  The rules for combining and breaking
lines are as follows.

   1.  A new line may be started anywhere there is a space in the input.
If a new line is started, there will be no trailing blanks at the end of
the previous line or at the beginning of the new line.

   2.  A line break in the input may be eliminated in the output,
provided it is not followed by a space or another line break.  If a line
break is eliminated, it is replaced by a space.

Miguel Revilla 2002-06-15

這題的英文描述相當不是很好理解,不過就想像一下 OFFICE WORD 或者一般撰寫英文文章時,





#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
char paragraph[100005];
int paralen;
void printPara() {
    if(paralen == 0)    return ;
    char line[105], word[105];
    int llen = 0, wlen = 0;
    int i, j, k;
    for(i = 0; paragraph[i] == ' '; i++)
        line[llen++] = ' ';
    paragraph[paralen] = '\0';
    while(i < paralen) {
        wlen = 0;
        for(; i < paralen && paragraph[i] != ' '; i++)
            word[wlen++] = paragraph[i];
        word[wlen] = '\0';
        if(wlen + llen > 72) {
            while(llen > 0 && line[llen-1] == ' ')
            line[llen] = '\0';
            //if(llen == 0)   continue;
            llen = 0;
            //ignore space
        for(j = 0; j < wlen; j++)
            line[llen++] = word[j];
        for(; i < paralen && paragraph[i] == ' '; i++)
            line[llen++] = ' ';
        //printf("%d %s %d %d\n", i, word, wlen, llen);
    if(llen) {
        while(llen > 0 && line[llen-1] == ' ')
        line[llen] = '\0';
        //if(llen == 0)   continue;
int main() {
    /*freopen("in.txt", "r+t", stdin);
    freopen("out.txt", "w+t", stdout);*/
    char line[1005];
    paralen = 0;
    while(gets(line)) {
        //trim tail spaces
        int l = strlen(line)-1;
        while(l >= 0 && line[l] == ' ')    l--;
        line[l+1] = '\0', l++;
        if(l == 0 || line[0] == ' ') {// new paragraph
            //printf("%d\n", paralen);
            paralen = 0;
            if(l == 0)
            else {
                int i;
                for(i = 0; line[i]; i++)
                    paragraph[paralen++] = line[i];
        } else {
            int i;
            if(paralen != 0)
                paragraph[paralen++] = ' ';
            for(i = 0; line[i]; i++)
                paragraph[paralen++] = line[i];
    return 0;

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