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[UVA][SlidingWindow] 11536 - Smallest Sub-Array

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Smallest Sub-Array

Input: Standard Input

Output: Standard Output


Consider an integer sequence consisting of N elements where –

X1 = 1

X2 = 2

X3 = 3

Xi = (Xi-1 + Xi-2 + Xi-3) % M + 1         for i = 4 to N


Find 2 values a and b so that the sequence (Xa Xa+1 Xa+2 ... Xb-1 Xb) contains all the integers from [1,K]. If there are multiple solutions then make sure (b-a) is as low as possible.

In other words, find the smallest subsequence from the given sequence that contains all the integers from 1 to K.


Consider an example where N = 20, M = 12 and K = 4.


The sequence is {1 2 3 7 1 12 9 11 9 6 3 7 5 4 5 3 1 10 3 3}.


The smallest subsequence that contains all the integers {1 2 3 4} has length 13 and is highlighted in the following sequence:


{1 2 3 7 1 12 9 11 9 6 3 7 5 4 5 3 1 10 3 3}.



First line of input is an integer T(T<100) that represents the number of test cases. Each case consists of a line containing 3 integers N(2 < N < 1000001), M(0 < M < 1001) and K(1< K < 101). The meaning of these variables is mentioned above.



For each case, output the case number followed by the minimum length of the subsequence. If there is no valid subsequence, output “sequence nai” instead. Look at the sample for exact format.


Sample Input                               Output for Sample Input


20 12 4

20 12 8

Case 1: 13

Case 2: sequence nai

Problemsetter: Sohel Hafiz

Special Thanks: Md. Arifuzzaman Arif


#include <stdio.h>
int X[1000005] = {0,1,2,3};
int main() {
    int T, cases = 0;
    int N, M, K, i;
    scanf("%d", &T);
    while(T--) {
        scanf("%d %d %d", &N, &M, &K);
        int modM[3005] = {};
        for(i = 0; i < 3005; i++)
            modM[i] = i%M;
        for(i = 4; i <= N; i++) {
            X[i] = X[i-1] + X[i-2] + X[i-3];
            if(X[i] >= M)   X[i] = modM[X[i]];
            X[i] ++;
        int used[105] = {}, d = 0;
        int tail = 1, mndist = 0xfffffff;
        for(i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
            while(tail <= N && d < K) {
                if(X[tail] <= K && used[X[tail]] == 0)
                if(X[tail] <= K)
            if(tail > N && d < K)
            if(mndist > tail-i && d == K)
                mndist = tail-i;
            if(X[i] <= K && used[X[i]] == 1)
            if(X[i] <= K)
        printf("Case %d: ", ++cases);
        if(mndist != 0xfffffff)
            printf("%d\n", mndist);
            puts("sequence nai");
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
int X[1000005] = {0,1};
int Y[1000005] = {0,1};
int main() {
    int T, cases = 0;
    int N, M, K, i;
    scanf("%d", &T);
    while(T--) {
        scanf("%d %d %d", &N, &M, &K);
        int modM[3005] = {};
        for(i = 0; i < 3005; i++)
            modM[i] = i%M;
        int xi1 = 3, xi2 = 2, xi3 = 1, xi;
        int idx = 2;
        int *p = &X[1], *q = &Y[1], *pp = &X[1], *qq = &Y[1];
        if(2 <= K)  *(++p) = 2, *(++q) = 2;
        if(3 <= K)  *(++p) = 3, *(++q) = 3;
        for(i = 4; i <= N; i++) {
            xi = xi1 + xi2 + xi3;
            if(xi >= M)   xi = modM[xi];
            if(xi <= K)
                *(++p) = xi, *(++q) = i;
            xi3 = xi2, xi2 = xi1, xi1 = xi;
        *(++q) = N+1;
        int *end = p+1;
        int used[105] = {}, d = 0;
        int mndist = 0xfffffff;
        p = &X[1], q = &Y[1], pp = &X[1], qq = &Y[1];
        for(; pp != end;) {
            while(p != end && d < K) {
                if(used[*p] == 0)
                p++, q++;
            if(p == end && d < K)
            if(mndist > (*(q-1))-(*qq) && d == K)
                mndist = (*(q-1))-(*qq);
            if(used[*pp] == 1)
            used[*pp]--, pp++, qq++;
        printf("Case %d: ", ++cases);
        if(mndist != 0xfffffff)
            printf("%d\n", mndist+1);
            puts("sequence nai");
    return 0;



台長: Morris
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