Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
發表時間:2012-08-28 10:51:07 | 回應:0
Problem EWatering Grass
standard inputOutput:
standard outputTime Limit:
3 seconds
n spri...
發表時間:2012-08-25 17:04:03 | 回應:0
Problem D
The Grand Dinner
Input: standard input
Output: standard
Time Limit: 15 seconds
發表時間:2012-08-25 12:30:16 | 回應:0
Problem A
Fill the Square
Input: Standard Input
Output: Standard Output
In this problem, you have...
發表時間:2012-08-25 10:39:47 | 回應:0
A children's puzzle that was popular 30 years ago consisted of a 5x5 frame
which contained 24 small...
發表時間:2012-07-18 15:45:13 | 回應:1
Correct Move
We have a square board with 64 places, numbered
from 0 to 63, see Figure 1. There
are two pi...
發表時間:2012-07-18 14:25:47 | 回應:0
Arithmetic Operations With Large Integers
This problem is about calculations with large numbers. Large mean...
發表時間:2012-07-18 13:40:24 | 回應:1
We are observing someone playing the game of Mastermind. The object of this game
is to find a ...
發表時間:2012-07-18 10:28:56 | 回應:0
Student Grants
The Government of Impecunia has decided to discourage tertiary
students by making the payme...
發表時間:2012-07-18 10:11:25 | 回應:0
E. O: dah, dah, dah!
Time limit: 1s
Morse code is a method for long-distance transmission of t...
發表時間:2012-07-17 11:50:25 | 回應:0
Fitting Text
into Slides
Typical slide presentation p...
發表時間:2012-07-17 11:08:33 | 回應:0
Problem A: Calories from Fat
Fat contains about 9 Calories/g of food energy. Protein, sugar, and starch
發表時間:2012-07-17 10:32:33 | 回應:0
Problem D: Longest Nap
The Problem
As you may already know, there are professors very busy with a fill...
發表時間:2012-07-17 08:54:50 | 回應:0
Balancing Bank Accounts
Once upon a time there was a large team coming home from the ACM World Finals...
發表時間:2012-07-17 08:33:07 | 回應:0
The year is 1976 and a small upstart company has just invented the
first (albeit crude) laser...
發表時間:2012-07-16 17:08:04 | 回應:0