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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2012-05-10 18:04:20

[UVA] 11849 - CD

Problem A: CD Jack and Jill have decided to sell some of their Compact Discs, while they still have some value. They have decided to sell one of each of the CD titles that they both own. H...

2012-05-10 07:34:07

[UVA][大數] 324 - Factorial Frequencies

Factorial Frequencies In an attempt to bolster her sagging palm-reading business,Madam Phoenix has decided to offer several numerological treats toher customers. She has be...

2012-05-09 18:40:56

[2012/5/9] 我, 能不能去死

唉, 看到自己的英文能力就覺得沒救了, 要求畢業門檻 160 pt,我現在只有一半, 次則, 我再怎麼認真讀書也贏不了台清交成的同學,真是真的了解自己的人, 才能體會出這種差距,

2012-05-08 19:34:49

[UVA][Math&DFS] 10012 - How Big Is It?

How Big Is It?Ian's going to California, and he has to pack his things, including hiscollection of circles. Given a set of circles, your program mustfind the smallest rectangular box in which they fi...

2012-05-08 16:58:27

[UVA] 10585 - Center of symmetry

Problem E: Center of symmetry Given is a set of n points with integer coordinates. Your task is to decide whether the set has a center of symmetry. A set of points S has the center of ...

2012-05-08 07:21:58

[UVA][Knuth'sPermutation] 110 - Meta-Loopless Sorts

Meta-Loopless Sorts Background Sorting holds an important place in computer science. Analyzing and implementing various sorting algorithms forms an important part of the education of ...

2012-05-07 14:35:52

[UVA][Math] 11526 - H(n)

Problem G H(n) Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output What is the value this simple C++ function will return? long long H(int n){ long long res = 0; for( int i =...

2012-05-07 07:40:29

[UVA] 763 - Fibinary Numbers

Fibinary Numbers The standard interpretation of the binary number 1010 is 8 + 2 = 10. An alternate way to view the sequence ``1010'' is to use Fibonacci numbers as bases instead of powers of two. ...

2012-05-07 07:20:16

[UVA] 10879 - Code Refactoring

Problem B Code Refactoring Time Limit: 2 seconds "Harry, my dream is a code waiting to be broken. Break the code, solve the crime." Agent Cooper Several algorithms in modern cr...

2012-05-06 18:45:19

[UVA][EASY] 11541 - Decoding

Problem D Decoding Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Encoding is the process of transforming information from one format into another. There exist several different types ...

2012-05-06 17:56:21

[UVA][Tree] 12458 - Oh, my trees!

E: Oh, My Trees! Background Pablito likes trees of all kinds: palm trees, pine trees, orange trees, eggplants, etc. But his favorites are binary search trees. As you should know, binary...

2012-05-06 16:42:30

[UVA][LinkedList] 540 - Team Queue

Team Queue Queues and Priority Queues are data structures which are known to most computer scientists. The Team Queue, however, is not so well known, though it occurs often in everyday life. A...

2012-05-06 12:41:43

[UVA][Floyd] 821 - Page Hopping

Page Hopping It was recently reported that, on the average, only 19 clicks are necessary to move from any page on the World Wide Web to any other page. That is, if the pages on th...

2012-05-06 10:47:01

[JavaScript] Introduction to Objects I

Objects In Reviewvar spencer = { age: 22, country: "United States"};// make spencer2 here with constructor notationvar spencer2 = new Object();spencer2.age = 22;spencer2.country = "United States";var ...

2012-05-06 10:35:20

[UVA][DP] 11151 - Longest Palindrome

Problem D: Longest Palindrome Time limit: 10 seconds A palindrome is a string that reads the same from the left as it does from the right. For e...

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