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2014-04-18 22:56:27
2014-03-02 10:59:06

[UVA][離散化、Dinic] 11358 - Faster Processing Feasibility

F Next generation contest - 4 Time Limit – 5 secs Faster Processing Feasibility The era of technology ...

2014-03-02 09:56:08

[UVA][匈牙利] 11363 - Cuckoo Hashing

B: Cuckoo Hashing One of the most fundamental data structure problems is the dictionary problem: given a set D of words you want to be able to quickly determine if any given query string q ...

2014-03-02 09:39:10

[UVA][SCC、暴搜] 11390 - The Sultan's Feast

I I U C O N L I N E C O N T E S T 2 0 0 8 Problem F: The Sultan’s Feast Input: standard input Output: standard output Our be...

2014-03-02 09:05:47

[UVA][並查集] 11323 - Satisfying Constraints

Problem A: Satisfying Constraints Consider the following constraint satisfaction problem. You are given n variables x1, x2, ..., xn and a set of m two-variable linear constraints. Each cons...

2014-02-17 22:59:10

[UVA] 11160 - Going Together

G Next Generation Contest 3 Time Limit: 3 seconds Going Together You are playing a computer game in whi...

2014-02-17 22:55:56

[UVA] 11140 - Little Ali's Little Brother

Problem A Little Ali's Little Brother! Time Limit: 1 Second Little Ali has a cute little brother. Recently, their father has bought them a strange puzzle. The pieces of t...

2014-02-17 22:54:00

[UVA][三分] 11232 - Cylinder

2007/2008 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest University of Ulm Local Contest Problem C: Cylinder Using a sheet of paper and scissors, you can cut out two faces to form a cylind...

2014-02-17 22:43:34

[UVA][BIT] 12002 - Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Today it's February 13th. It's a very special day: Miguel's birthday! Like every year, he's organised a big celebration for all his friends. He prepared a succulent dinner at hi...

2014-02-17 22:29:55

[UVA] 10609 - Fractal

Problem A Fractal Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Time Limit: 3 Seconds A fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided in parts, each of which ...

2014-02-17 21:59:14

[UVA][排列組合] 10634 - Say NO to Memorization

Problem C Say NO to Memorization Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Time Limit: 2 Seconds Kamran is preparing for his term final examinations. He understands all the algori...

2014-02-17 21:40:40

[UVA][遞迴] 10795 - A Different Task

A Different Task The (Three peg) Tower of Hanoi problem is a popular one in computer science. Briefly the problem is to transfer all the disks from peg-A to peg-C using peg-B as ...

2014-02-17 21:35:25

[UVA] 11880 - Ball in a Rectangle

Ball in a Rectangle Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output � There is a rectangle on the cartesian plane, with bottom-left corner at (0,0) and top-right corner at (L, W). There is a ...

2014-02-17 21:31:52

[UVA][五則運算、貪婪] 11890 - Calculus Simplified

Calculus Simplified We define an expression as below: <expression> := <number> | <expression>+<expression> | <expression>-<expression> | (<ex...

2014-02-17 21:07:32

[UVA][最少費用流] 11823 - Two Longest Paths

Problem F Two Longest Paths Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Tekuhp is a tourist city. There are N intersections in the city, connected with M one-way roads. Each one-way roa...

2014-02-17 21:01:30

[UVA] 11841 - Y-game

Y-game Willy and Benny enjoy very much playing Y-game! This is a game in which white and black tokens are placed on a triangular n-grid, n 0, where n is called the order of the grid. A 3-gri...

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