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2004-06-05 22:45:28| 人氣220| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

勞勃‧狄尼洛─ Robert De Niro(Cloudy Man)

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"There must be somebody that is always under a heavy, black, cloud. Not feeling sad or depression. Just get used to it."

這些文字是在畫他時候就已經寫上去的,有人問過我畫這幅畫的原因,但是老實說還真的沒有理由。為了讓我自己開心,我還幫他加了一顆痣,讓他看起來像勞勃狄尼洛。真是好玩,可能也是因為那一陣子我很迷Travis,他們有一首歌歌詞是「Why does it always rain on me?」,反覆聽之後,這一個意像就已經殘留在我腦海裡了。

These words have been written on the picture as soon as I finish it. I was asked about the motive to draw this picture. But to be honest,there is no story behide it. For fun, I add something on the man's face, this makes him looks like Robert De Niro. Maybe the reason I drawed him is because I have an addiction on Travis(a British band) then. They have a song...the lyrics go"Why does it always rain on me?",that is the poor reason I can give you now.

台長: Yurii
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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