The Seven Rejoices of Mary 瑪莉亞的七件喜樂
演唱: Loreena McKennitt(羅琳娜麥肯妮特)
The first good joy that Mary had 瑪莉亞第一件喜樂
It was the joy of one 一件喜樂
The first rejoice that Mary had 瑪莉亞第一件喜樂
Was to see her new born son 就是看見她的新生兒
To see her new born son good man 看見她的新生兒長大成人
And blessed may He be 多麼的蒙福
Sing Father, Son and Holy Ghost 歌頌聖父、聖子、聖靈
To all eternity 直到永永遠遠
The next good joy that Mary had 瑪莉亞的下一個喜樂
It was the joy of two 第二件喜樂
To see her son Jesus 看見她的兒子耶穌
Make the lame to go 讓瘸腿行走
The next rejoice that Mary had 瑪莉亞接著的喜樂
It was the joy of three 第三件喜樂
To see her own son Jesus 看見她自己兒子耶穌
To make the blind to see 讓瞎眼能看見
To make the blind to see good man 讓瞎眼的人看見
And blessed may He be 多麼的蒙福
Sing Father, Son and Holy Ghost 歌頌聖父、聖子、聖靈
To all eternity 直到永永遠遠
The next good joy our lady had 我們淑女的下一個喜樂
It was the joy of four 第四件喜樂
It was the rejoice of her dear son 喜樂的是她親愛的兒子
When He read the bible o'er 當祂的聖經的時候
The next good joy that Mary had 瑪莉亞的下個喜樂
It was the joy of five 第五件喜樂
To see her own son Jesus 看見她的兒子耶穌
To make the dead alive 讓死人復活
To make the dead alive good man 讓死人復活
And blessed may He be 多麼的蒙福
Sing Father, Son and Holy Ghost 歌頌聖父、聖子、聖靈
To all eternity 直到永永遠遠
The next rejoice our lady had 我們淑女的下個喜樂
It was the rejoice of six 第六件喜樂
To see her own son Jesus 看見她自己的兒子耶穌
To bear the crucifix 背著十字架
The next good joy that Mary had 瑪莉亞喜樂的下一件
It was the joy of seven 就是第七件喜樂
To see her own son Jesus 看見她自己的兒子
To wear the crown of heaven 戴上天國冠冕
女歌手Loreena McKennitt(羅琳娜麥肯妮特)
而今天分享的「The Seven Rejoices of Mary」是Loreena
McKennitt(羅琳娜麥肯妮特)推出的一張專輯(A Mid Winter
Night's Dream)中的一首歌曲。