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Dear Light Family,



我是Shir Ra/Jade, much love

Palace of Peace Full Moon News


Dear Friends,


Happy Full Moon in Capricorn. The creation of Palace of Peace is unfolding exquisitely, and I can assure you, you are going to LOVE what we are creating. This is truly an awesome portal for higher learning and changing your life like never before. We are very excited and can hardly wait to unveil this magnificent creation to you on the 24th of July - only 8 days to go! :)


Although you'll receive our launch newsletter, you will be required to register on the new website to ensure future newsletters reaching you. This is to ensure that everyone receiving our information really wants to.


Kuthumi-Agrippa has suggested we change the course content and venue for the 11:11:11 conference happening here in South Africa in November this year. Therefore, I will be presenting the 55 Cosmic Laws in a beautiful setting in the Cradle of Humankind, just outside of Johannesburg. The 55 Cosmic Laws are a potent body of work, which many of your are already familiar with. At the conference I will be presenting an Intensive Course, which provides accelerated processes of healing and self-awareness, resulting in a new found connection with yourself. This will also provide the platform for training those of you participating, who are interested in teaching the 55 Cosmic Laws as a Golden Temple Teacher. You can look forward to another level of these energies at the conference. We will also be launching the breathtaking deck of 55 cards, which are going to print in a few weeks time. More will follow on this itinerary very soon.


After the Cosmic Laws Course we will be offering 3 days of Medieval Astrology Lectures. We will provide all the necessary information regarding this within the next week.


My trip to Vietnam and Cambodia is only 7,5 weeks away! Bookings close on the 15th of August, after which bookings will be taken subject to availability. To view my itinerary, please visitwww.soulodyssey.co.za.  You can also join our Soul Odyssey Face Book Page where I will be adding more photographs and encourage those of you who have travelled with me in the past to do the same and share some of your wild experiences with us there.


Kuthumi-Agrippa has asked me to add some information from a channelling he conducted in July 2005 regarding the current energy intensities. This is an important part of the energy work we will be conducting in Vietnam and Cambodia in support of Mother Earth's current change and the 11:11:11 conference. There are too many layers of change to mention, which is why we as Lightworkers are so urgently required at present to step forward in our numbers and help re-activate, re-balance and assist in the recalibration of energies at major and minor Sacred Sites. There are millions of trapped energies requiring release and healing in order for the collective to be able to ascend through the spiral gateways of ascension into the next level of higher learning.


It is evident beyond measure how important ascension is for the collective. The mass ignorance we are faced with is what has lead to our planet being in the sorry state it is in. Ignorance mixed with greed and power is a mammoth danger and WILL destroy whatever it infects. We have to stand up and help shift the tides of awakening, ensuring the current gather as many as possible and lead them into the pools of Higher Wisdom and Learning, so that millions more people can awaken to the truth of what we face as a global community and fully recognize that ignorance, fear, denial and complacency will guarantee the end of our planets resources and ability to sustain life, resulting in the inevitable and eventual complete and utter breakdown of the world we live in on every level. - Kuthumi-Agrippa's message below will shed some light on what is happening at present. (Below are excerpts taken from Current Energy Intensities transcript channelled on 23 July 2005):

"I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom and greet you at this time bringing you the blessings of lightness, positive abundance, trust, and love. Greetings Beloved ones.

We come to bring you information regarding that which you are currently facing. We also wish to explain how the current intensive energies are impacting upon you and your bodies. It is a very vulnerable and volatile time for humanity at present. The shifts in consciousness are constantly increasing at an accelerated rate and in intensity. This is because more and more people are choosing to find the light within themselves. Lightworkers who are currently active are contributing to the accelerated rate at which the new energies are being integrated and humanity's consciousness is beginning to pull together in a positive way. As a result, what has been in the dark for many cycles is now coming to light. And you are seeing what has been hidden all along.

For some it appears as if things have become worse, truly, they haven't. As I have said before, in previous transmissions, all that is happening, is now you are seeing what has been happening all along. Now humanity is in a position to utilize the power of light, and bring justice to that which has abused the divine will and power of humanity. It is important I tell you at this time that a major shift of energy will take place over the next few years. These shifts will result in people of great opulence and power loosing a lot of what they have, because it is not being utilized for the greater good of the whole, and those who walk the path of light and truth and have not had much materially will now begin to gain the power of the light, and manifest the material worth required to serve for the greater good of the whole. The energy has been in such great imbalance that many ignorantly squander great resources of energy and wealth. This must now come into balance, and balance regarding finance specifically will come under the spotlight like never before.

Humanity must learn the power within all forms of energy, and see how it must be utilized to serve the greater good of the whole, as opposed to serving the lusty indulgences of the lower ego. The Masters of light have heeded the call by those of light who have witnessed the squandering of energy for many, many cycles. These are the ones who will receive the blessings to ensure that the master plan of light comes into being for your planet. Therefore, do not be surprised or disturbed by massive shifts in the economy over the next months to come and changes in peoples lives who have chosen to indulge in the decadence of lower ego.

Johannesburg is the centre of the base chakra energy at this current time for Southern Africa and for Africa as a whole. Your base chakra determines the state of your health. The base chakra has been undergoing great change over the recent past as a result of new energy which has come forth and been grounded. This is one of the areas that Humanity as a whole has had to pay attention to. Whatever occurs in the base chakra, automatically impacts on the crown chakra and visa versa. Now, what is happening in the crown chakra of the planet? Do you know where the crown chakra is at this time? London. What has been happening in London? Literally blasting the energy centres open. (Kuthumi is referring to the bombings that took place in London on 7 July 2005)

There is a lot of energy changing to facilitate the free flow of the blue print of Mother Earth. For it is evolving into the Golden print of the Universe, and you are included in the plan. This is another reason why so many people are being affected by the intensities of the change, because no longer can one sit on the fence and watch the game being played around them. Everyone is now being influenced by this. There are 4 major areas in people's lives through which these intense energies are grounding themselves. They are: your health, relationships, finances and career, and you will be able to pinpoint which of these 4 areas you are grounding the intensities of the current energies through.

On a soul level you will have chosen which area of your life needs change most, and for some, it may very well be more than one area of life. Your physical body holds toxins, as do your emotional, and mental bodies. These toxins result in energy blockages in your Chakra system, as well as the energy systems of the major organs of your body, resulting in a clogging up of the meridians, the lymphatic systems and the minor chakras in your body. When this is blocked it is very difficult to integrate new energy. If energy is blocked in a body you find synchronicity cannot manifest in your life because what you have integrated is unable to ground itself on a physical level if you have blockages on an emotional or mental level. Perhaps you integrate something physically, but the emotional body cannot grasp it so you find your life divided. It feels as if you are disorientated or disconnected in areas of your life. Therefore, it has been necessary to clean out all the pipes - so to speak - and ensure all systems are clear so that the energy can take root within the fundamental system of your life. The physical body must release its physical toxins and all your other bodies are currently detoxing. A number of people are experiencing it on a physical level. This is one of the reasons why many medical practitioners are having great difficulty diagnosing the imbalance of energy. They are having to search all areas of the body to try and pinpoint what the illness is. Do not disturb yourself, a solid diagnosis cannot be made.

On an emotional level people are finding an energy pushing them forward to make peace, forgive, and disconnect themselves from situations, people, places and belief systems that no longer serve the new plan, breaking the patterns of victim consciousness. This means people have to set boundaries and in so doing reclaiming lost power. This is causing clashes in relationships. Those who have been used to controlling the dynamic within relationships are finding it extremely difficult to hold onto their control, especially if it is denied any member of the family their ability to utilize their divine will and empower their lives.

All eyes are on you now. Every structure that holds onto the atoms of disorder and fear will dissolve, it is a natural cycle, which is why there is no stopping the change. It is inevitable. Change is the signature of your universe. The galaxy you are in is a spiral galaxy, therefore everything that occurs, occurs up on a spiral energy. What goes around, will come around. The difference now is that you have moved into a higher level of consciousness, therefore no longer is ignorance an excuse to perpetuate severe ignorant, destructive and dysfunctional behaviour.

You have the light of the all divine within you, for you were created from the spark of Mother/Father God's being. Therefore, not ever can you entirely be disconnected from them. You are the torches of light. You are the bringers of the new dawn of the Golden age to your planet. Therefore, fear not your role of service in this new cycle, do not hide behind doors or lock yourself in the closet, it is safe, and in fact essential that you stand in the truth of your inner core true self belief systems.

The emotional body of Mother Earth has undergone many layers of change. Those who are finding it difficult to integrate the emotional changes can manifest structures of support simply by turning their vision to the light. The challenge for humanity is to step out of isolation and separation and look to each other for assistance and create communities of light. Your personal guides, healing angels and other beings of light will assist support and protect you and them. Friends, family members, even strangers will come forward to offer support. Individuals do not have to suffer in isolation any longer.

Challenges manifesting in careers reflect to the greater symbolic presence of the masculine or analytical self in your physical world regarding changes taking place within business and economy. This is the combination of victim consciousness and poverty consciousness coming under scrutiny, for if one is locked in any form of poverty consciousness they are automatically locked in victim consciousness, and vice versa.

Each of you will also be required to reflect upon the reflection within yourself. As each new wave of energy comes, you will be taken deeper and deeper within your psyche. Your physiology is determined to a great extent by the quality of your psychology. And the quality of your psychology is either supportive, constructive or destructive based on what you choose to believe. The current energy intensities are forcing humanity to truly look at all belief systems. This has been very difficult for many and those who have become comfortable living in a state of denial are feeling these changes most intensely, for now, as I have said before, there are no more excuses, there is no justification."

This is such an important time of change and healing for humanity as a whole, and for Mother Earth. Palace of Peace and Soul Odyssey are portals I am honoured to be a part of, which have been created and designed to be beacons of light showing one of the many pathways available to freedom, healing, collaboration and enlightenment. Let's continue to join hearts and minds and share the gems of wisdom discovered upon this journey and help set ALL free in order to live AUTHENTICALLY.


Have a fabulous week and look out for our Launch Newsletter on the 24th of July.  


Much love,


Michelle and the Dream Team.

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