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以下訊息是關於我的靈氣老師Laurelle & Michael 所提供的免費靈氣網路文章,歡迎有興趣的人閱讀以下訊息,按照指示,就可以免費定期收到他們的文章
Unconditional Reiki Free Yourself to Heal - Ebooklet
We are moving our email list. You are invited to move with us.


If you would like to continue receiving Reiki Healing News from Laurelle & Michael, simply go to www.ReikiClasses.com/moving.html and enter your first name and email address and click "submit". Voila! You will be automatically transferred to our new service.

Free Reiki Ebooklet for You!

In appreciation for your continued interest and support of our work, we have created an Ebooklet as a Free Gift for our subscribers.

Unconditional Reiki ... Free Yourself to Heal a Guide for the Fearless Reiki Practitioners This ebooklet is an excellent reference for those just beginning to explore Reiki, as well as for experienced practitioners and teachers. In just 25 pages you will explore:

  • What is Reiki?
  • How does Reiki Heal?
  • The Human Subtle Energy Field.
  • How to Learn Reiki
  • Do Long Distance Classes & Attunements Work?
  • Reiki, Chakras & Affirmation
  • Tools for Reprogramming Your Life
  • Reiki and Healing with Theta Waves
So, sign up now, and be sure to watch your email so you can confirm your subscription, and receive your free copy of Unconditional Reiki...Free Yourself to Heal.

FREE For our subscribers

Click Here to Move with Us


Peace and Blessings

Laurelle & Michael
Infinite Light Healing Studies Center/Peace Place

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此分類上一篇:A Message From the Pleiadian High Council,December 31, 2008

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