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August 2010

10 Steps to Making Choices and Decisions with the Help of the Angels
by Doreen Virtue

Should I move? Quit my job? Leave my relationship? These are questions I’m frequently asked on my radio show and at my workshops. And no wonder, as we’re all in a time of great global and personal change. 
The angels say that the key to enjoying these changes is to stay flexible and keep your sense of humor. It’s also helpful to know that you’re not alone and many people are having similar experiences.
The changes can seem frightening because of insecurities of future unknown factors (“Will I be financially secure?” “Will I be alone?” “Will this change make me feel happier?” 
The angels can help because, from their elevated perspective, they can see the factors and make the variables known to you. The angels won’t make the decision for you, out of respect for your free will choices. However, they will function like trusted advisors to help you to see and consider your various options.
To make decisions with the help of the angels:

1. 將意念放在"我和我的守護天使現在已經連結,我請求祂們的指引幫助我做決定",雖然天使永遠都在妳的身邊準備協助你,可是當你擁有這樣的意念時,你也同時給予祂們可以進來幫助你的許可。Hold the intention of connecting with your guardian angels for help and guidance about decisions you're trying to make. Your angels are already with you and definitely they hear you and ready to help you By holding this intention, you are giving them permission intervene

2. 建立一個安靜的空間,讓你能夠更清楚的接收到天使的訊息。Create a quiet space, even if it’s just closing your eyes and breathing deeply; the moments while you’re falling asleep or awakening; in the washroom; on a walk; or outdoors in nature. The point is to be in a place where you can more readily hear the angels.

3. 輕輕地詢問天使"您希望我在生活中有什麼樣的改變?"。Silently think this question to the angels: “What changes would you like to see me make in my life?”

4. 接著,覺察身體出現的各種感覺和想法,他們可能是對你的回應。Notice the feelings and thoughts that come in response to this question.

5. 任何你在生活中有想要改變的特定的事情或特別的範疇,可以輕柔的尋求天使的幫忙與指引。將你的心交給天使,告訴祂們你現在所有的感覺。Silently ask the angels for help with any specific life area that you’re considering changing. Pour out your heart to the angels, telling them about all of your feelings.

6. 留心觀察任何感覺和想法的浮現。Notice the feelings and thoughts that come to you.

7. 不需要擔心你的詢問會如何被解答。上天無限的智慧有其解決的方法,而奇蹟一直在發生。擔心永遠無法幫助你解決問題,但是不斷的禱告卻可以幫助你和天使連結。Don't concern yourself with worries about 'how' your requests will be answered. The divine infinite mind has solutions and miracles abundantly available. Worry never helps, but prayer always does.

8. 你會得到天使給你訊息和感受指引你如何行動。You'll get ideas and feelings about taking action. This is divine guidance in response to your requests for help. It may not seem to have If you don't hear or understand the guidance, say to your angels, "Thank you for giving me clear signs that I easily recognize and understand that clearly guides my actions along the path of joy and peace."

9. 你也可以試著想像自己在不同選擇下有何不同的反應,想像當你在A選擇中,已經發生且進行時,你的身體浮現出何種情緒,感覺,或想法;同樣的練習也放在B或C...等等當中;仔細觀察自己在不同選擇下的各種身體反應,記住,因為你的身體知道你真正想要什麼,請相信你的身體。You can also use a method that I call, "Trying on your future." it's similar to trying on clothing or test-driving a car prior to buying it. This is helpful if you have several options to choose from. In a quiet place, allow yourself to imagine that you have taken Option 1. Really feel that experience as if it’s happening right now. Then do the same for Options 2, 3, and so forth. Compare how each feels for you. While you can’t know all of the foreseeable factors, you can get a sense of your body’s reactions. And your body KNOWS, as it’s a powerfully accurate divination tool. Trust it! 

10.如果你仍然需要更清楚的答案,將你的意念放在和你的高我連結,接著詢問"哪一條路才是我的人生目標真正要選擇的路?" 任何符合你靈魂渴望的選擇,都將為你帶來更多內心的寧靜與富足。If you still need clarity, hold the intention of contacting your higher self. Then ask it, “Which way puts me on the path of my divine life purpose?” Trust the first thought that comes to mind. Anything which brings you closer to your life’s purpose (even if you’re unsure what that exactly entails) will bring you more peace, harmony, and abundance.

Know that you deserve this happiness! We all do. Your Creator, like any loving parent, 
wants the best for you. And when you’re happy and peaceful, we all benefit. After all, world peace occurs when everyone’s at peace. By taking the steps to bring peace to yourself, you make a major contribution toward world peace. You become a role model of peace, inspiring others to make the journey as well.

Peace and Love to you and yours, Doreen


台長: 珏吟
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