Dear Friends, I have been really feeling led to write about the United States banking crisis and what the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecies say about it. I have been feeling very strongly lately that it is time for me to speak out about what I have been told. As crazy as it sounds EVERYTHING that is happening right now has been talked about in the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecies a long time ago. It’s all right on schedule. I find it fascinating to come home and turn on the news and watch the Prophecies unfolding before my eyes. Long ago before the Anasazi spoke of the financial crisis in “Turtle Island” (North America) they didn’t even know what they were describing. They didn’t have banks thousands of years ago. The Hopi and the Tibetan Prophecy both start with: “When the Iron Eagle Flies and the Horse Run on Wheels…” This was their way of describing the vision of the Prophecy before airplanes and automobiles existed. I even talked to a Lama who knew the Tibetan version of the Prophecy who said that Padmasambhava described concrete bridges and highways from his vision before concrete ever existed. I have spoken with Grandfather Martin and other Hopi at great length about what the Prophecy says about everything that is happening and what is going to happen next. We just have to do our part and: “Manifest making it through the Time of Purification to the Fifth World.” We do this by Remaining Noble. I believe that there is a bigger picture to all of this. I remember seeing all of this when I was a little girl. I have been expecting this experience of being on the verge of complete economic global collapse. I don’t think, “The sky is going to fall.” I think the banking scare is designed to remind people to only use what they need and then there will be enough for everyone. The reason all of the things that are happening on Mother Earth right now according to the Prophecies is to rid the world of greed and corruption of the Fourth World. Now it is time to work together as One Planet recreated in Cooperation and Peace. I personally do not believe in the Armageddon massacre ending: that there is a Nuclear WWIII and only the Christians survive. I believe that we have already completed the Grid of Compassion here on Earth and we have everything that we need to get to the Fifth World. I don’t usually write about what I have been shown about the future, but I have been hearing SO many people freaking out everywhere I go about the financial crisis. I felt like it was time to share the Message of Hope that this was all set in motion a long time ago. It is completely up to us how this ends. I have faith that we are going to have a Happy Ending. Asquali, Kymberlee |