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2008-10-13 03:59:50| 人氣476| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Message from Valerie Donner - September 26, 2008

Dear Ground Crew:

by Valerie Donner - http://thegroundcrew.com

This morning at 8:30 I received a phone call from a woman named Kymberlee Ruff, MFT. In her dream from last night she was at a retreat with The Ground Crew. She was shown a woman with dark hair cooking scrambled eggs for some other people. She said they were very sweet. She looked on the Internet for The Ground Crew and found me. I was the woman cooking the scrambled eggs and in fact, I had just eaten mine. I rarely cook eggs for breakfast so the only thing variant in the dream was that I was alone in my kitchen (at least in the third dimension).

Kymberlee is a carrier of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy. She was with the Hopi’s on the 08-08-08 and “was asked to get out there and share what they taught me.” This is what the Hopi’s have to say about these times and asked me to put it out on my website:

Dear Friends,

I have been really feeling led to write about the United States banking crisis and what the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecies say about it. I have been feeling very strongly lately that it is time for me to speak out about what I have been told.

As crazy as it sounds EVERYTHING that is happening right now has been talked about in the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecies a long time ago. It’s all right on schedule. I find it fascinating to come home and turn on the news and watch the Prophecies unfolding before my eyes.

Long ago before the Anasazi spoke of the financial crisis in “Turtle Island” (North America) they didn’t even know what they were describing. They didn’t have banks thousands of years ago.

The Hopi and the Tibetan Prophecy both start with:

“When the Iron Eagle Flies and the Horse Run on Wheels…”

This was their way of describing the vision of the Prophecy before airplanes and automobiles existed. I even talked to a Lama who knew the Tibetan version of the Prophecy who said that Padmasambhava described concrete bridges and highways from his vision before concrete ever existed.

I have spoken with Grandfather Martin and other Hopi at great length about what the Prophecy says about everything that is happening and what is going to happen next. We just have to do our part and:
“Manifest making it through the Time of Purification to the Fifth World.”
We do this by Remaining Noble.

I believe that there is a bigger picture to all of this. I remember seeing all of this when I was a little girl. I have been expecting this experience of being on the verge of complete economic global collapse. I don’t think, “The sky is going to fall.” I think the banking scare is designed to remind people to only use what they need and then there will be enough for everyone.

The reason all of the things that are happening on Mother Earth right now according to the Prophecies is to rid the world of greed and corruption of the Fourth World. Now it is time to work together as One Planet recreated in Cooperation and Peace.

I personally do not believe in the Armageddon massacre ending: that there is a Nuclear WWIII and only the Christians survive.

I believe that we have already completed the Grid of Compassion here on Earth and we have everything that we need to get to the Fifth World.

I don’t usually write about what I have been shown about the future, but I have been hearing SO many people freaking out everywhere I go about the financial crisis. I felt like it was time to share the Message of Hope that this was all set in motion a long time ago.

It is completely up to us how this ends. I have faith that we are going to have a Happy Ending.



I am grateful for the way that Spirit works and that having this website can facilitate the dissemination of important information for the world. It is synchronistic with how everything works. I was intending to write yesterday but needed to rest. I believe the divine timing for this update was today.

In a channeling I did with the Master El Morya on September 10, 2008, he told us that the “There was going to be a leveling off of the playing field.” Since that time much has happened in our economic situation in the U.S. that affects the entire global economy. As ground crew most of us have known for a long time that there would come a time of economic collapse. We have known that this change is necessary because our financial system has not been serving the needs of most of humanity, just a minority of people.

The meetings in Washington, DC this week to bail out Wall Street has caused quite a stir. It is a time when people are becoming angry and speaking their truth. They are contacting their representatives. I don’t think their resolution is going to be a slam-dunk one like the powers that be have expected. People are waking up and speaking out.

Author and Energy healer, Carolyn Myss, wrote an article about the current situation. In this article she said “The positive side of the crises happening in America right now is that all problems are a collective call to action, a wake-up call to all of us to realize that freedom is not a guaranteed privilege…Freedom requires continual conscious upkeep on behalf of the citizens of this nation – and that means all of us. We have to return to the task of becoming ferociously active citizens…we need to reawaken America’s founding spirit, that passion for truth, for liberty, and for justice and human rights.”

As Lightworkers our job is to rise above the fear and to not get caught up in the drama and the illusion. This is where our work is so important. We must stay in the now moment. We must see how the Divine Plan is working. We must remember who we are and what we came here to do. We do not think in the box. Most of us can see the bigger picture. We can stay calm. We realize that we are not our money, possessions, jobs, relationships, roles or other things; we are divine beings on a path of Light that are leading the Earth back Home.

We know that we can manifest whatever we need. We work with the Light Realms to bring higher consciousness to the Earth. I have said previously that I believe often times the way our Creator gets our attention is through our pocket book. We can look at these challenging times as a time of awakening. Most of the people on the planet have been asleep. They have believed in the false sense of wealth through the electronic financial system. We know this system has been manipulated and is continuing to be manipulated. How much longer can this continue?

According to some sources it looks like this financial upheaval will continue into 2009. It could take many more months for things to stabilize. The companies that have not been in integrity, who work from a place of greed without regard to people or the planet, are getting weeded out. This reminds me of the messages I am getting recently from the raccoons. They are out digging up the grass in my back yard and eating the grubs. Frequently, I have to go tap down the earth again and put my grass back together. I realize they are telling me that the dirt is getting dug up and that I need to stay grounded. Sounds like a helpful message for all of us, doesn’t it?

It is important for us to send unconditional love and Light to our legislators, businesses and to all who are impacted by these changes. The load is being lifted and the system is shifting. Change is not easy for any of us but this will be the norm as we rapidly approach 2012. Remember these changes are for the highest good of all of us not just for the benefit of the few. It is an opportunity for more to see the Light. There is a Divine plan and our Creator is in charge. When all is complete we will have a system that will benefit everyone.

台長: 珏吟
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此分類下一篇:A Message From Mira, From the Pleiadian High Council, Sep.26
此分類上一篇:October 6 , 2008,靈性訊息


Dear Jade
2008-10-14 22:48:21

2008-10-14 23:34:26
蠻想跟你一起去San Diego呢
2008-10-16 00:27:42
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