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2013-09-29 19:05:15
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2020-06-11 13:55:21


When I finally found this park and location, it’s a surprise even more today. Beautiful arch bridge around, plants and rice, river, woods and stones, you could even found firefly during summer e...

2020-06-11 13:52:03


It could be an outdoor activity because of season and location in Yilan, Taiwan. Enjoy to follow them and keep an eye close on the fish they are trying to save and the lake they are trying to green. P...

2020-06-11 13:50:38


We all agreed that oil painting could be contained specific, figurative or abstract, which is a high threshold technology. And, when I stood in front of the art pieces, it’s a truly experience a...

2020-06-11 13:48:51

好書分享: 活下去的力量:面對激烈變化、日益悲慘的環境

A book that I could like to I would like to お薦め in Japanese, but this computer did not accept it though. Really enjoy to read his related book, and we could learn from him and his life. Also, read ...

2020-06-11 13:47:28

轉載_0604 環團籲請

Apprecited to have the help from MissionBlue and Dr. Sylvia A. Earle that Datan Alga Reefs is one of the Hope Spot. Even nowadays, we still struggle for Alga Reefs and marince creature in Taoyuan, Tai...

2020-06-08 12:09:35

【0607 走讀巷弄】700m的體會

【0607 走讀巷弄】Walked almost 10KM everyday with my bike since May 29, but, so surprised to see accident less than 700M in the afternoon yesterday. Just between#中壢市中山東路三段龍慈路口至中壢市中山...

2020-06-04 09:55:08


Very interesting to read this book now, not yet finished though. So moving~ But, I'm supposed it's a world that out of what I could imagine and what I could be experienced after 30 years(on year 2050)...

2020-06-04 09:48:37


Share: 陳克華6月1日上午7:20 ·6月13日下午5點,和畫家吳衍震對談。(吳衍震也是我的詩集「鬼入門」插圖的作者) 展覽地點: M畫廊 (北市麗水街13巷7號)日期時間: 本月6日開始 (6/6~6/27) 陳克華 ...

2020-06-04 09:45:07


若論夏曼藍波安與廖鴻基作品的比較,畢竟我是投稿到上周仍然退稿的撰文者,並不具有特質以評論名家。一定要寫會以這樣的論點: 1) 文字: 個人偏好繁體中文直書尤其出版品市場小且獲利向來薄,且論時間序事件陳述標...

2020-06-01 15:35:37


【走讀巷弄】Went to there (牛筋學院_健行科大) and order noddle for lunch around 14:00 today, almost ful-seat during the past 8~12months when I passed by. And, shall update the story I heard ASAP. 大約...

2020-05-27 11:07:00


【0526寫給寶貝之二】自四月初聯絡迄昨日才有寶貝回答:媽媽 我有OOO給妳了你應該要回答我,不然我以為你被綁架或是行車不平安,會去內壢找你。如同美國的親人失去連絡會很憂心的,今天中午與慧有約, 晚一點我還會去...

2020-05-12 12:47:04


清晰的時間事件序與人物標的值得推薦細讀 中西文明的夾縫:改變台灣命運的起手式作者: 黃光國出版社:時報出版https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010840750?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0Or0pP6q6QIVSj5gCh0IngyOEAQYAS...

2020-05-12 10:55:33

信念 (台文詩)_曾大龍

相隔兩年還是沒有很懂作品裡的台文不過兩年前也直譯成英文作品作品的權益屬於原作者曾大龍先生 與圖片提供者鄭先生版僕Vera掠人之美!Share: 曾大龍 + 鄭秉燊 +Vera Pon < 信念 >(台文詩) 春風,黏著白雲...

2020-05-12 10:49:07


不知道曾有過"我的藍莓夜"這部電影然而看完這部"戴珍珠耳環的少女"很有一些想法, 或是傷感吧~ 運鏡和剪輯讓畫面彩度與光影呈現恬靜每位演員呈現的肢體語言和心境轉折就要細細體會戲劇或影片攝製可以一遍遍重來再試然...

2020-05-12 10:47:02


In order to keep the warehouse near TRA in Chungli, Taoyuan for public, we’ve found the young people organizer to wave and echoing the activity. The warehouse used to be built for agricultural p...

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