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201353日,刊載在The New Yorker


英文翻譯是Philip Gabriel






In the past thirty years, I’ve runthirty-three full marathons. I’ve run marathons all over the world, butwhenever someone asks me which is my favorite, I never hesitate to answer: theBoston Marathon, which I have run six times. What’s so wonderful about theBoston Marathon? It’s simple: it’s the oldest race of its kind; the course isbeautiful; and—here’s the most important point—everything about the race isnatural, free. The Boston Marathon is not a top-down but a bottom-up kind ofevent; it was steadily, thoughtfully crafted by the citizens of Bostonthemselves, over a considerable period of time. Every time I run the race, thefeelings of the people who created it over the years are on display for all toappreciate, and I’m enveloped in a warm glow, a sense of being back in a place Imissed. It’s magical. Other marathons are amazing, too—the New York CityMarathon, the Honolulu Marathon, the Athens Marathon. Boston, however (myapologies to the organizers of those other races), is unique.

What’s great about marathons in generalis the lack of competitiveness. For world-class runners, they can be anoccasion of fierce rivalry, sure. But for a runner like me (and I imagine thisis true for the vast majority of runners), an ordinary runner whose times arenothing special, a marathon is never a competition. You enter the race to enjoythe experience of running twenty-six miles, and you do enjoy it, as you goalong. Then it starts to get a little painful, then it becomes seriouslypainful, and in the end it’s that pain that you start to enjoy. And part of theenjoyment is in sharing this tangled process with the runners around you. Tryrunning twenty-six miles alone and you’ll have three, four, or five hours ofsheer torture. I’ve done it before, and I hope never to repeat the experience.But running the same distance alongside other runners makes it feel lessgrueling. It’s tough physically, of course—how could it not be?—but there’s afeeling of solidarity and unity that carries you all the way to the finishline. If a marathon is a battle, it’s one you wage against yourself.

Running the Boston Marathon, when youturn the corner at Hereford Street onto Boylston, and see, at the end of thatstraight, broad road, the banner at Copley Square, the excitement and reliefyou experience are indescribable. You have made it on your own, but at the sametime it was those around you who kept you going. The unpaid volunteers who tookthe day off to help out, the people lining the road to cheer you on, the runnersin front of you, the runners behind. Without their encouragement and support,you might not have finished the race. As you take the final sprint downBoylston, all kinds of emotions rise up in your heart. You grimace with thestrain, but you smile as well.

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I lived for three years on the outskirtsof Boston. I was a visiting scholar at Tufts for two years, and then, after ashort break, I was at Harvard for a year. During that time, I jogged along thebanks of the Charles River every morning. I understand how important the BostonMarathon is to the people of Boston, what a source of pride it is to the cityand its citizens. Many of my friends regularly run the race and serve asvolunteers. So, even from far away, I can imagine how devastated and discouragedthe people of Boston feel about the tragedy of this year’s race. Many peoplewere physically injured at the site of the explosions, but even more must havebeen wounded in other ways. Something that should have been pure has beensullied, and I, too—as a citizen of the world, who calls himself a runner—havebeen wounded.

This combination of sadness,disappointment, anger, and despair is not easy to dissipate. I understood thiswhen I was researching my book “Underground,” about the 1995 gas attack on theTokyo subway, and interviewing survivors of the attack and family members ofthose who died. You can overcome the hurt enough to live a “normal” life. But,internally, you’re still bleeding. Some of the pain goes away over time, butthe passage of time also gives rise to new types of pain. You have to sort itall out, organize it, understand it, and accept it. You have to build a newlife on top of the pain.

* * * 

Surely the best-known section of theBoston Marathon is Heartbreak Hill, one in a series of slopes that lasts forfour miles near the end of the race. It’s on Heartbreak Hill that runnersostensibly feel the most exhausted. In the hundred-and-seventeen-year historyof the race, all sorts of legends have grown up around this hill. But, when youactually run it, you realize that it’s not as harsh and unforgiving as peoplehave made it out to be. Most runners make it up Heartbreak Hill more easilythan they expected to. “Hey,” they tell themselves, “that wasn’t so bad afterall.” Mentally prepare yourself for the long slope that is waiting for you nearthe end, save up enough energy to tackle it, and somehow you’re able to getpast it.

The real pain begins only after you’ve conquered Heartbreak Hill, rundownhill, and arrived at the flat part of the course, in the city streets.You’re through the worst, and you can head straight for the finish line—andsuddenly your body starts to scream. Your muscles cramp, and your legs feellike lead. At least that’s what I’ve experienced every time I’ve run the BostonMarathon.

Emotional scars may be similar. In asense, the real pain begins only after some time has passed, after you’veovercome the initial shock and things have begun to settle. Only once you’veclimbed the steep slope and emerged onto level ground do you begin to feel howmuch you’ve been hurting up till then. The bombing in Boston may very well haveleft this kind of long-term mental anguish behind.

Why? I can’t help asking. Why did ahappy, peaceful occasion like the marathon have to be trampled on in such anawful, bloody way? Although the perpetrators have been identified, the answerto that question is still unclear. But their hatred and depravity have mangledour hearts and our minds. Even if we were to get an answer, it likely wouldn’t help.

To overcome this kind of trauma takestime, time during which we need to look ahead positively. Hiding the wounds, orsearching for a dramatic cure, won’t lead to any real solution. Seeking revengewon’t bring relief, either. We need to remember the wounds, never turn our gazeaway from the pain, and—honestly, conscientiously, quietly—accumulate our ownhistories. It may take time, but time is our ally.

For me, it’s through running, runningevery single day, that I grieve for those whose lives were lost and for thosewho were injured on Boylston Street. This is the only personal message I cansend them. I know it’s not much, but I hope that my voice gets through. I hope,too, that the Boston Marathon will recover from its wounds, and that thosetwenty-six miles will again seem beautiful, natural, free.

Translated, from the Japanese, by Philip Gabriel.

Haruki Murakami’s most recent book to appear in English is“IQ84.” His latest novel has just been published in Japan.

Illustration by Ed Nacional.








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