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IAVE Taiwan

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親愛的IAVE Taiwan會員及志工夥伴們:
總會長Ms. Liz Burns與各位分享IAVE今年的工作報告及策略規劃,請各位繼續支持IAVE
及IAVE Taiwan,共同營造美好社會。

> Dear All
> Please find attached your copy of the electronic version of the new IAVE
> Report and Strategic Plan.
> Hard copies are now being posted via airmail to all our members from this
> office. There will be note about them in the next e-IAVE, and they will go
> on the website along with a short feature about tem in the news section.
> I will bring additional copies for you to the meeting in Edinburgh.
> Best regards
> Liz

黃淑芬 Debbie S.F. Huang
台灣志願服務國際交流協會 秘書長
國際志工協會 全球董事
Tel: 07-3422101 # 751
E-mail: iave.taiwan@msa.hinet.net

台長: 志工團長


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