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2017-11-26 01:18:34


親愛的爸爸: 早已名列同學會失聯名單的我,從未察覺您幾乎不曾缺席過同學會的原因。上個月,您特地搭火車回到彰化參加高職同學會,滿心期待著與少年時的友人相聚,卻在席間獲知了令人傷心的消息。高職三年,日...

2017-11-26 00:40:57



2017-11-26 00:31:31

Fantastic Books

I was just thinking about what to read next after finishing Anne of Green Gables. Thank you, Ewelina, for answering me by giving me those fantastic books. Viola, May 11th, 2017 evening in Austin ...

2017-11-24 05:50:23

Naming Trees

“… What is the name of that geranium on the windowsill, please?” “That’s the apple-scented geranium.” “Oh, I don’t mean that sort of a name. I mean j...

2017-11-24 05:31:28


親愛的爸爸: 在奧斯汀,台灣泡麵的供貨不太穩定。偶爾想吃泡麵的時候,若是買不到台灣的牌子,只得將就點兒,吃碗日本或韓國的泡麵解解饞。不是我在自誇,吃來吃去,還是我們台灣的泡麵最好吃。讀到這裡,您一定...

2017-11-24 04:58:47


Each time I see the Upside-Down Man Standing in the water, I look at him and start to laugh, Although I shouldn’t oughtter. For maybe in another world Another time Another town, Maybe HE ...

2017-11-23 14:32:14


親愛的爸爸: 我的學生圓圓,今年七歲。有一天上中文課時,他在字典上瞥見壓根兒不認得的「鬱」字,竟興致高昂地依樣畫葫蘆,一筆一畫仔細寫下,然後開心得把他坐的小椅子高舉過頭,歡呼吶喊!我想我完全可以理...

2017-11-23 14:21:07


親愛的爸爸: 不瞞您說,我和珊珊原本並不喜歡自己的名字。對女孩來說,「明怡」和「明珊」實在算不上美麗悅耳。直到上了大一,有人對我說,「你的名字不就是『明天會更好嗎?』」我想就是在那一刻,我才終於意...

2017-11-23 14:07:42

Something Smelled Good

I smelled something good when I read Anne of Green Gables. I drew my nose close to the leaves of the book. Then I knew where it came from! It was the scent of paper. Viola, Apr. 23th 2017, even...

2017-11-23 13:45:49


親愛的爸爸: 塞在奧斯汀的車陣中動彈不得時,我想起台灣還沒有二高的年代。彼時的除夕前一日,我們家年年準時塞在中山高的車陣中動彈不得,少說也得走走停停四個小時,才能從中壢開到彰化。漫漫車程中,我和珊...

2017-11-23 13:34:56


親愛的爸爸: 難得有機會在奧斯汀吃飲茶,我總會想起小時候,您常帶全家去的那家飲茶餐廳。中壢的遠東百貨還在新生路上時,那家飲茶餐廳就在它的隔壁。堆著一籠籠點心的推車在餐桌間梭巡著,直到我們再也吃不下...

2017-11-23 06:50:20

The Lion and the Rabbit

My husband studied in New York City 10 years ago. I didn’t go with him. I worked in Taiwan during those two years. It’s our first time to live far away from one another. We really missed e...

2017-11-23 06:31:52


親愛的爸爸: 我一邊吹著頭髮一邊想念起童年時,您幫我和珊珊吹頭髮的時光。那時您總是一邊幫我吹頭髮,一邊抱怨我的一頭「稻草」又長又多。那時我總是一邊聽著吹風機轟轟作響,一邊從「稻草」的縫隙間偷看八點...

2017-11-23 06:18:11


親愛的爸爸: 昨天我在等公車時,肚子明明餓得要命,卻還盤算著先搭車到書店晃晃再說吧。小時候的週六晚上,您時常開車載我和珊珊去市區逛書店。您總是說慢慢看慢慢挑,月底時可以買一本最喜歡的。於是我就一路...

2017-11-23 06:05:19

Do Something to Make the World More Beautiful

I think Barbara Cooney wrote and illustrated Miss Rumphius as her way of making the world more beautiful. I really enjoyed the blue, purple and rose- colored lupines and the brilliant story in this pi...

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