Subjects: Down Syndrome child and mother dyads
1.Previous findings suggest that children with Down syndrome may be perceived more youthful than other children withh mental retardation
2.Parents of children with Down Syndrome report less stress and more child-related rewards than parents of children with other disabilities.
3.Parents with children with Down Syndrome raised their voice pitch significantly more and spoke with significantly wider mean pitch cariance thanparents of children in other groups
4.Children with Down syndrome showed more social request/ help more and this overuse of social behavior remains stable over the early school years.
5.Emotional recognition of children with Down Syndrome was poorer than typical control groups and children with non-Down Syndrome types of mental retardation
(esp. fearful expressions)
6. Children with Autism show higher stability for the self regulation factors; but less satability than children with Down Syndrome for all three facors (self regulation and affective expression)
Materials I can use in Dr. Fidler’s tape
A. Background information
1. Demographic data
2. The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
3. Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test
4. Child Behavior Checklist
B. Video
1. I-spy Task
2. 120 seconds child-directed speech sample
3. 120 seconds mother’s pitch sample
Possible questions
A. coding
1.Which children’s behavior bring about which parenting reactions
2.Does mother’s stress level relate to children’s behavioral problems or diagnosis?
(stress level + Vineland Adaptive skill)
3. physical and social coding (see below)
B. Comparison betweeen Down syndrome group and general MR group during interaction
1. Child
the proportion of the child-initiated conversation
the frequency, duration, intensity or consistency of words and facial expression, such as positive and negative
2. Mother
the speech pitch or pattern
MLU adjustment
the frequency duration, intensity or consistency of words and facial expression
note: coding baseline is needed such as their facial expression in free play