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2006-02-10 19:03:23| 人氣330| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Business smarts now matter in IS

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IS Business Smarts mean “being effective in the business.”It's possible to build business smarts in IS using three complementary approaches: leveraging, developing, developing and importing.

Business smarts have three components

To be effective, business smarts require skills and competencies. The distinction may seem academic, but understanding it is essential, as you build each component differently.

Skills are necessary to perform a job, it can also defined as the “know-how”. Competencies are groupings of knowledge and abilities that drive performance. They can be defined as the “know-what.”

The skills and competencies in business smarts are summarized below and set out in more detail.
Skill: understands the business
Knows how the business works and is able to “draw a picture of how it operates and makes money.” Knows how to do process mapping and financial analysis. Knows about business practices, industry dynamics and competitive positioning.

Competency: Influences business colleagues
Has the interpersonal skills and maturity to effectively communicate with business and IS colleagues – and influence what they do. Is able to listen, understand and empathize.

Competency: Drives business changes
Has sufficient ambition and effectiveness to accomplish business successes. This usually means work through other people, so it require respect for others, resiliency and being outcome-focused.

台長: 天光雲影
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