星期五早上,接到同學電話說有個印度來的靈性導師這一天在給予祝福,我換了衣服,到了教堂 (是的,是教堂,這個教堂對不同的宗教信仰都很接納,除了一般教堂活動外,也定期舉辦佛教、印度教方面的活動),安安靜靜地坐了下來。
這些願望似乎被回應著,有時我會感覺到… 光是去把願望寫出來的過程,對我就是很好的理清。又,星期六收到Andrew的信,問我去旅行的事情,他和我在兩年前見過三次面,對我來說,他是我遇過最有錢的男人(他幾家網路交友公司控制的網路流量是match.com的兩倍,之前是開著保時捷休旅車來接我的),也是我遇過最聰明的人,他的臉蛋ok,不是我特別喜歡的典型,但身材有法國血統的高挑健美,與他第一次見面之後,我的心輪被能量衝開,那時走了一個很深的過程;他本身是個善良純真的人,但在商場上太久,他認識世界很直覺的一個架構就是商業價值的思考,我對他的道德感等部分不大清楚,不確定是否已被玷污…
標題:Teaching and Learning (教導與學習)
Listen silently
and learn the truth of what you really want.
No more than this will you be asked to learn.
There is no need to learn through pain
And gentle lessons are acquired joyously
and are remembered gladly.
What gives you happiness you want to learn
and not forget.
On your learning
depends the welfare of the world.
Everyone teaches,
and teaches all the time.
This is a responsibility you inevitably assume
the moment you accept any premise at all,
and no one can organize his life
without some though system.
Once you have developed a thought system
of any kind,
you live by it and teach it.
The question is not whether you will teach,
for in that there is no choice.
The purpose of the course might be said
to provide you with a means of choosing
what you want to teach
on the basis of what you want to learn.
The course emphasizes that
to teach is to learn,
so that teacher and learner are the same.
It also emphasizes that teaching is a constant process.
Teaching and learning
are your greatest strength now,
because they enable you to change your mind
and help others to change theirs.
Remember always that what you believe
you will teach.
“As you teach so will you learn.”
If that is true, and it is true indeed,
do not forget that what you teach
is teaching you.
What you teach you strengthen in yourself
because you are sharing it.
You will not see the light,
until you offer it to all your brothers.
As they take it from your hands,
so will you recognize it as your own.
Any situation must be to you
a chance to teach others what you are,
and what they are to you.
No more than that, but also never less.
Teach no one that he is
what you would not want to be.
Your brother is the mirror
in which you see the image of yourself.
Everything you teach you are learning.
Teach only love, and learn that love is yours
and you are love.
Teach only love,
for that is what you are.
我想要成為慈悲、溫柔的光,回映相遇的人內在美好的本質,我勇敢安靜地停留在每個片刻,允許自己被這漸漸盈照開的光轉化,我停留在當下,允許自己被照亮、被轉化... (待續)
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