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2013-09-17 03:58:02

早產兒Guarding Angel

文章日期:2009-04-04 04:33 Who wants to be his guarding angel? Light a candle to pre-mature baby event

2013-09-17 03:56:14


文章日期:2009-04-04 01:16 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/df-temple/ My mom 何宮主has a new transformation of life into spiritial world because of her our family are closer than ...

2013-09-17 03:53:52
2013-09-17 03:51:43

Spirit week of the school

文章日期:2009-03-31 21:08 This week is a very special week for my son's school; Monday ---Crazy hair day Tuesday ---Pajama Day Wednesday ----Mismatched Clothes day Thursday -----...

2013-09-17 03:49:18


文章日期:2009-03-30 07:13 photo resources from http://www.freefoto.com/images/05/04/05_04_51---Candle_web.jpg 為早產兒點燈 前些日子和母親談起 她個人覺得靈療與醫療一樣重要 於是我...

2013-09-17 03:47:22


文章日期:2009-03-26 07:37 by Freedom_writerr dated 3/25/09 這些日子在網路收集部落格 有關早產兒的醫學記錄 看到許多母親們的無助卻又充滿希望的期待孩子們平安歸來 及母親們彼此間密...

2013-09-17 03:42:51

Brain Injury Center

文章日期:2009-03-21 21:36 Brain Injury Center dated 3/21/09 After reviewing all the pre-mature baby blogs about 50 of them, compare with 20,000 current statistics in Taiwan onl...

2013-09-17 03:40:56


文章日期:2009-03-20 07:57 每周五台灣晚上九點半 請先加入我網路帳號 skype ID cmmconsultant 如有問題請留言 ...

2013-09-17 03:38:25


文章日期:2009-03-20 07:28 Photo from http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jojo-0422113489 媽終於可以從龍鳳宮http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/df-temple 下山到醫院探望她的孫子 這三代的濃厚情感希...

2013-09-17 03:35:40


文章日期:2009-03-20 06:56 Lost dated 3/19/09 Lost in translation or Lost in culture and I did not know how I would have face it’s my home land becomes a strange place to me. People...

2013-09-17 02:49:09

Love is not about hard working

文章日期:2009-02-25 09:46 Relationship is not about hard working or math that does not always have the right answer. Sometimes you just need to take a chance and you may or may n...

2013-09-17 02:47:11

The love stories that I never told

文章日期:2009-02-22 05:47 It has been a very long time since 1996 that I began with my singles club, few couples had got married till today. That is the love story that I never t...

2013-09-17 02:44:37

My sincere prayer好想找個有心人一起打拼事業

文章日期:2009-02-20 08:57 舞和森林 射手座分類:未分類資料夾 2009/02/10 23:41 今天拖著一身疲累回家,我知道那不是身體的累,是心靈上的疲累。看著別人一起作業互相打氣,好生羨慕,什...

2013-09-17 02:42:21
2013-09-17 02:37:11

Our Past Medical Research (MOCo)

文章日期:2009-02-20 01:26 Communication with the patient's family & research network;Dear Mr. Lou:Our specialists suggested that you should bring your child back to NCKUhospital since ...

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