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2013-09-17 18:15:21


文章日期:2009-04-19 05:05 九十七年八月十五日 親愛的學生: 大家好,我是姐姐, 一別竟是十四年之久, 人生的轉變好大, 與你們大家相識時,我還只不過是個在美國研究生, 現在已是一...

2013-09-17 18:11:39


文章日期:2009-04-19 04:58 謝謝妳的幫忙 又經過十四年 人生有多少十四年的朋友? 這些年自己學很多 也一直最在乎你們這群孩子 和你們相遇的那年暑假收穫最多 也立下自己一輩子的目標 然而那目標...

2013-09-17 18:09:12


文章日期:2009-04-18 06:04 其實吵架幾乎是所有的女人都會經歷過 就看妳用什麼樣的心態去面對 和男朋友吵架 可以從彼此的觀點去認知 若真得合不來就分手 和老公吵架 就得看事情的輕重 ...

2013-09-17 17:28:58


文章日期:2009-04-17 06:22 筆者夏寒 愛情似乎越來越難 怎樣的愛情才會無傷 網路世界難免蓋上一層紗 真實的世界會讓人看清一切 男與女的戰爭中該是如何去定義 第一對愛情不只靠書信往來的...

2013-09-17 17:27:07
2013-09-17 17:25:38
2013-09-17 17:23:15


文章日期:2009-04-14 20:20 相信一路走來的早產兒家庭 一定了解到醫療追蹤教育的重要性 除了怕孩子輸在起跑點 也同時要確保孩子各方面的發展 我個人認為醫術上是大同小異 而醫德確是個...

2013-09-17 17:21:45
2013-09-17 09:01:30

My brave son

My brave son 文章日期:2009-04-11 08:19 We went back the Dr. Office today and he had his 2 pins removed. I did ask the nurse to save the pins. She replied...

2013-09-17 08:57:45

Love relationship

文章日期:2009-04-11 08:16 Part 1: Never have I once dreamed of life what I am now and sometimes life is your choice. Being with the same man for ten years that is impossible for ...

2013-09-17 08:54:41

Looking back when just us

文章日期:2009-04-11 08:15 Looking back when just us ten years ago, life does change so fast. When two new people just met, all we care were how much fun we could have. We travel to B...

2013-09-17 08:53:15

Date with 40

文章日期:2009-04-11 08:13 Overview my 30 something closer to 40, now I don't have any fear. I am about to form the plan for my 40. When I was 20 something; I never feel looking ...

2013-09-17 08:51:00

See a need, feed a need

文章日期:2009-04-11 08:12 Yesterday on the way home after picking up my son, a Spanish man came by and asked us where the doctor office was. I took him to near by doctor office...

2013-09-17 08:49:12

Crime Prevention

文章日期:2009-04-11 08:10 不動心不挑情 從不攀緣了怯心中多年的結,續而從不動心不挑情,學習船過水無痕。 維吉尼亞工學院的校園殺人案給我們很多深思!對過去曾學習犯罪心理的我更是一大衝...

2013-09-17 08:47:03

Congratulation to my Thailand sis and French bro.

文章日期:2009-04-11 08:09 The pair of Chinese dolls is our gift for their wedding! A French wedding, finally my dear Nat sis has got married with her beloved French guy! A f...

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