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2013-09-17 23:34:51

Career training

文章日期:2009-05-05 21:10 Hi guys, I finally got some information for mild brain damage career training. If you have any question, please let me know. I am going to talk to Mr. ...

2013-09-17 23:32:27


文章日期:2009-05-04 04:55 今年的母親節又快到來,在此祝賀所有的母親,母親節快樂! 我將逐一介紹幾位我所認知的母親們與大家認識,希望能將更多的事蹟介紹給大家。 首先我要介紹的...

2013-09-17 23:31:14

My mailbox

文章日期:2009-05-04 04:47 Sometimes when we cross one another, we can only do what we can to enjoy this moment! This world has too many problems; we have some people suffered f...

2013-09-17 23:28:49
2013-09-17 23:27:23


文章日期:2009-05-03 01:47 分類:公佈欄 2008/08/17 05:38 1. 無極慈母宮-驪山老母 主題:請問雲林、嘉義哪裡農曆7月13日以前有在做超渡法會的地方? ... 主題:. 嘉義縣民雄鄉...

2013-09-17 23:26:13


文章日期:2009-05-03 01:46 分類:公佈欄 2006/06/30 18:46 人生的無常 裟婆世界的奧妙 整個宇宙的大自然 都是『玄』天、地、神創造萬物 每天都要心存感恩 ! 不管發生何事...

2013-09-17 23:25:09


文章日期:2009-05-03 01:44 分類:visitor 2007/04/30 22:26 印度友人Ravi和本俱樂部祕書Alika於新年上山造訪我母親的龍鳳宮,我小弟充當翻譯。與大家分享,若想上山走走,詳情請見龍鳳...

2013-09-17 23:24:03


文章日期:2009-05-03 01:44 分類:小故事 2006/07/07 04:46 今天打了電話給母親,她與我分享一個故事。 前些天,王阿姨偕同母親以前的玫林凱美容顧問們,她們一起造訪母親居於嘉義...

2013-09-17 23:22:25

Out for family vacation

文章日期:2009-05-01 02:44 Hi guys, Since 2007 our west coast family trip, this is our first family trip. We are going back to our family favorite place, blue ridge. I will be o...

2013-09-17 23:20:07


文章日期:2009-04-28 03:03 夏寒筆 熬磨兩年我終於為盧弟弟找到北卡杜克大學有金鉬官能症的研究 希望能找到台灣的醫師團體共同配合 請大家一同尋求把台灣的醫師之愛找回來 假如我是醫生...

2013-09-17 23:01:20

New York Attraction

文章日期:2009-04-25 05:50 Hi guys, These few days some people might take some travel plan; here are about NYC where I once loved and lived. Share with you all and enjoy your vac...

2013-09-17 22:58:46


文章日期:2009-04-24 06:28 Picture resource from http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jojo-0422113489/article?mid=-2&prev=422&l=a&fid=7 夏寒筆 陸陸續續許多人上山造訪或越洋電話母...

2013-09-17 22:57:05


文章日期:2009-04-22 05:27 Freedom_writerr 她離開了 在無法忍受下 他回來了 面對空洞的房子 他很傷心自責 怎會弄成這樣 其實兩個人都須要分開一段日子 放下吧 我告訴他 等過段時間在...

2013-09-17 22:55:31

To my girlfriend

文章日期:2009-04-21 21:37 dated June 11th, 2007 Dear Be good to yourself! Sometimes you need to pamper yourself and find something to make you feel good about yourself and g...

2013-09-17 22:53:37

Diet group---diet is better with a partner or a group

文章日期:2009-04-21 00:23 Believe or not; I do talk a lot with a diet group and I find in a group of people by encouraging each other. It works much better! The following is the ...

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