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2017-06-03 21:34:47
2012-10-04 22:46:51

My dear one

No man can ever claim you unless he claims from MEI reserve a man for you who hast heart and loves ME more than he will love youSoon you will know himI have the perfect timeYou are my precious my daug...

2012-10-04 04:14:51



2012-10-03 23:15:57


Do not chase people Be you and do your own thing and work hard The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay

2012-07-28 00:31:24



2012-01-04 16:48:25

ancient rody @ npm

戰國中期 嵌松綠石金屬絲犧尊高28.5公分,長39.7公分

2011-12-17 13:55:12
2011-12-13 12:43:24

package of truthfulness

一樣的濕冷 不同的心境有些事情是沒有答案 還是 自己不願意面對 已知的答案如何面對呢離開就可以了嗎

2011-12-01 11:31:38
2011-09-27 14:40:22

un site, pour qui?

Eugene Atget (1857 - 1927) 我向著你微笑 並且自旋 踏著輕緩的音樂鏡子裡返照的是你羞澀的背影 你 正用著你那看這世界的眼光背對著我模糊的 久遠的 拉長的建築物包圍著我 成為一個圓親愛的當你不經意的轉過身來 請闔...

2011-09-23 17:26:33


30 septembre 2011 - LA ROCHELLE - Hôtel des Ventes de la RochelleN° 162Rare sceptre "ruyi" en ivoire polychrome et or à décor sculpté en léger relief sur la tête du ruyi de cinq chauve-souris p...

2011-09-23 15:06:07


Chinese Gilt Silver Filigree Bracelet 19th/20th Century The openwork forming two opposing dragons, the heads meeting at the clasp. Diameter 3 inches. C Sold for $1,188 (Includes Buyer's Premium)Estima...

2011-09-15 17:30:06


近來開始有這個念頭問自己為什麼凡事都覺得自己做的不夠好 做的不對一定有個甚麼的 遠超過我想像 的完美於是 許多步驟就一一在我眼前攤開了你非得要這樣遵守這些誡命 你非得要堅持 你非得要像保祿宗徒那樣 向著標竿前...

2011-09-10 16:39:18


temperance by luca giordano

2011-07-30 12:52:54

there's no 3rd one, only the 'the other self'

He is more than a heroHe is a god in my eyesThe man who is allowed to sit beside youHe Who listens intimatelyTo the sweet murmur of your voice the enticingLaughter that makes my ownHeart beat fast.If ...

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