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2009-04-16 08:05:51

portrait of Sergey Rachmaninoff

RONDO ALLA TURCA (SONATA, K. 331: III)Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSergey Rachmaninoff - piano(1925) [RCA] by Konstantin Andreevich Somov russian painter

2009-04-04 22:38:06

palm sunday

Commemorates the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jersualem as worshippers waived palm branches and shouted for joy.

2009-04-01 00:30:00

that day

那天 世界很完美 那天 發現了喜悅 找到你 你給了我指引 我的夜 不再黑 不再黑 那天 世界很完美 那天 充滿了喜悅 我愛你 你也愛我到永遠 我的天 會很美 會很美 穿過指尖 緊閉雙眼 悲傷不再出現 快樂無窮無邊 ...

2009-03-09 01:08:24

DOULOS again!

Schedule - Upcoming Ports Following is a list of the current and upcoming ports for the Doulos. Click on a port name for detailed information. Please note: All ports and dates are subject to change. P...

2009-02-05 04:36:58

la memoire

Je demande a l’Eternel une chose, que je desire ardemment: Je voudrais habiter toute ma vie dans la maison de l’Eternel, Pour contempler la magnificence de l’Eternel Et pour admirer son temple. (Ps...

2008-11-25 03:21:08


The Way of a Pilgrim, 旅人的道路 幾年前,我和兩位好朋友一同做了一次避靜,我們大部分時間都保持緘默,但晚餐後我們總是互相朗誦旅人的故事,出乎我們意料之外,這本輕鬆和迷人的神修書,對我們竟產生了深遠的影響,它...

2008-11-17 19:57:19

instead of ’womanly woman’

卡蜜兒克勞岱爾小姐事實上比較像個藝術家 而不像個女人;

2008-11-16 20:54:55

changement du tableau

(berthe morisot)他發現除了衣服的下半部外其它都很好,他拿起畫筆加上幾筆,看起來還不錯...我的厄運就此開始,他一旦動比就停不下手,從群子到上半身,從上半身到頭部,又從頭部到背景,他說了一堆笑話,效的像個瘋子,把調...

2008-11-13 22:04:50

the exhibition

14 December 2008 - 3 May 2009, Groninger Museum, Groningen, The Netherlands 23 June - 13 September 2009, Royal Academy of Arts, London 1 October 2009 - 7 February 2010, Montreal Museum of Fine Art...

2008-03-30 20:58:30


時間錐上下兩頭 頂點就是開始的時候 然後各自往過去和未來展開 今晚和大學時代友人到戶外劇場看電影 這是前幾晚在百事達租片場景的後續 那天 結帳 鋼琴聲從我的後腦杓飛奔到我的耳朵 是不是直線穿越 我不知道 ...

2008-03-29 23:37:45

26 seconds

while i was crossing the green light, there was 26 seconds left behind or ahead? while huxley morned for the unwelcome ’true’ science i’m anxious not for the ’truth’ he wanted to declare no...

2008-03-26 22:58:58

Sony MDR V200

這個不知道是不是監聽用的.....才$50 不太像是監聽用的價位說.... http://www.silverflight.com/au/headphones/mdrv200.htm

2008-03-20 23:14:39
2008-03-02 15:11:04

the house’s empty

the elder couple went out the younger couple went out only me,and the lying Rembrendt gree and gold in the house i’ve had to decide in which way should i put them in the canvas quietness and peac...

2008-02-29 00:44:03

the aching...........

牙好痛喔.......................... 超痛.......... 痛............(翻滾) 都不能吃東西...................... 下星期一要去開刀了.......... 希望醫生很gentle..................

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