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2003,七月推薦酒-E&E Black Pepper Shiraz

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2003,七月推薦酒-E&E Black Pepper Shiraz
酒名: Barossa Valley Estate 1998 E&E Black Pepper Shiraz (澳洲)
酒廠: Barossa Valley Estate (澳洲)
售價: NT$1369
販售處: 好市多
推薦程度: * * * * *


而在品質的專業評鑑方面,此酒可說是戰績彪炳,得到的比賽金牌與評鑑高分不勝枚舉,Wine Spectator給它95分與HighlyRecommended的推薦,評價極高;Wine Enthusiast也是給它95分與Editor's Choice的推薦,不但分數高得驚人,還把它選為”The best Shiraz in the world”;我個人雖然買了還沒喝,不過以此酒的口碑與它超級划算的售價,再加上我以前喝過此酒1996、1997年份的個人評價都極佳,因此我給予五顆星的推薦。

Barossa Valley Estate隸屬於BRL Hardy's集團,其實是一家頗負盛名的澳洲酒廠,E&E Black Pepper Shiraz是它的旗艦酒款,最近幾年在WS的評鑑中都獲得極高的分數,1996、1997、1998、1999年份分別獲得97、94、95、91的高分,1996年份的E&E Black Pepper Shiraz還入選WS的1999 Top 100,得到第七名,從此打響了Barossa Valley Estate酒廠的名號。他次一級的Ebenezer系列包括Shiraz、Cabernet-Merlot、Chardonnay等酒款,其中也是以Shiraz做得最好、評價最高,1996、1997、1998年份分別獲得WS給予92、92、91的高分,因此Barossa Valley Estate算得上是一家善釀Shiraz的澳洲酒廠。

多年前長榮桂冠酒坊曾引進Barossa Valley Estate酒廠1996年份的E&E Black Pepper Shiraz,由於此酒的分數實在高得離譜,因此在國內引起一陣搶購熱潮,雖然一瓶定價高達NT$2000,但一下子就賣得精光;我當時買了12瓶,迄今大約還剩6瓶,此酒實在做得勇猛無比,果味甜美濃郁,酒體紮實強壯,口感與單寧卻不會流於粗糙,每次拿一瓶去參加中等水準的葡萄酒聚會,都把其他酒友帶來的酒打得落花流水,大勝而歸! 比果味甜美,第一名! 比濃郁稠密,也是第一名! 比”木桶優劣”,仍是第一名! 比WS分數,還是第一名! 我倒是不曾碰到過這支酒與Grange同場競技的場合,不過我個人覺得即使如此,號稱南半球第一好酒的Grange可能也討不到便宜。

話說長榮桂冠酒坊繼1996的E&E Black Pepper Shiraz狂賣到缺貨後,次年又進了1997的E&E Black Pepper Shiraz,雖然不如1996年份那般轟動,不過不久之後也是賣光光;我也曾喝過該酒的1997年份,感覺上比起1996年份要陰柔一些,但仍是不脫它基本的肌肉棒子調性;後來長榮歷經一些人事變動,這支酒從此不曾再予引進。如今竟然在好市多看到1998與1999年份的E&E Black Pepper Shiraz,價格又是離譜的便宜,我當下不假思索,立刻各買二瓶;就澳洲的年份而言,1998絕對比1999要好很多,但是就這支E&E Black Pepper Shiraz而言,1998固然是不可錯過,若是預算許可,1999也應一並購買;1998年份的E&E Black Pepper Shiraz分數超高、得獎無數,Wine Enthusiast甚至將它與J.L. Chave 1998 Hermitage並列為當年的”the best Shiraz in the world”(Chave的Hermitage可是所有行家競相收藏的超級隆河酒啊!);而1999年份也不惶多讓,也是分數極高、得獎無數,不但榮獲澳洲雪梨International Wine Competition選入2003 Top 100,也入選紐西蘭2002 Liquorland Top 100,更在2002舊金山International Wine Competition中一舉奪得Double Gold、Best Shiraz以及最高榮譽的Best of Show red wine! 目前架子上還有大約各8瓶的1998與1999 E&E Black Pepper Shiraz,各位網友手腳要快,我相信它們仍在架上的日子應該不多了。


1998 Barossa Valley Estate E&E Black Pepper Shiraz

Wine Enthusiast
Rating : 95 , US$80
An Editor's Choice
Truly splendid, opulent berry, spice, caramel and cocoa aromas and flavors mark our top-rated Aussie Shiraz. The rich, velvety palate pours on layer after layer of flavor and texture, showing beautiful integration and near perfect fruit-acid-tannin balance. Finishes long with dense fruit and even tannins, closing with commensurate style. So drinkable now, but will hold a decade easily—if you can resist it. — W.E. (11/1/2001)

Wine Spectator
Rating : 95, HighlyRecommended, US$80, 30-Nov-2001
Ripe, plush and generous with its gorgeous blueberry, raspberry and plum fruit, shaded with meat and black truffle notes that weave through the long, cushiony finish. Has plenty of power and elegance. Drink now through 2012. 2,500 cases made. (HS)

------------------------ --------------------------

1999 Barossa Valley Estate E&E Black Pepper

Wine Enthusiast
Rating : 92 , US$85
A distinctive wine—one that bears strong resemblance to the blockbuster ‘98, without quite as much extraction and finesse. Flavors run the gamut from ripe red fruit to caramel to foresty earthiness; still, the wine is more about mouthfeel than flavor. Lush, medium-full, with smooth tannins, this is one to drink fireside—in, say, 2006. — D.M. (3/1/2003)

Wine Spectator
Rating : 91, US$85, 31-Mar-2003
Crisp and lively, a bit tart but juicy with blackberry and floral flavors echoing on the aroma and the finish. Not a huge wine, but a winner for the vintage, offering lots of fruit and depth. Drink now through 2005. 4,000 cases made. (HS)

台長: T大
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