看到標題你可能會啼笑~~ 我都帶信用卡
平常我也是阿 昨日聽到廣播 有人在CRAIGSLIST 上頭登載要賣汽車
某一位倒楣的男士與賣車主聯繫去看車 結果剛到沒多久就跑出三名歹徒持槍要搶劫他帶來要購車的現金
他被搶了一千多元 後來抵抗頭部中彈 還是幸運逃出 現在警察正在追捕嫌疑犯
Man Shot, Beaten And Robbed in Craigslist Car Deal Gone Bad
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 – updated: 10:53 pm PST February 18,2009
EAST PALO ALTO -- AnEast Bay man was shot and robbed in East Palo Alto Tuesday evening whenhe showed up to buy a vehicle advertised on Craigslist, according tothe police department.Officers responded to a local emergencyroom at about 6:50 p.m. where Alex Garcia, 22, was being treated for agunshot wound, according to the East Palo Alto Police Department.Garciatold police he went to the 1700 block of East Bayshore Road afterarranging to purchase a vehicle through the website Craigslist. Hecontacted the supposed seller in a parking lot and then was told to goto another one at 1830 W. Bayshore Road.Police reported thatwhile Garcia was checking out the vehicle "for sale," three men withhandguns confronted him and demanded the $1,300 cash he had brought forthe vehicle he thought he was going to buy.A fight ensued,during which Garcia was pistol-whipped several times and wounded when agunshot grazed his head, according to police.Garcia told policehe managed to get back to his vehicle and transport himself to anemergency room where he was treated for injuries that were not lifethreatening.On its website, Craigslist advises people respondingto an ad to meet the other party in a public place, and consider takinga friend along.
Copyright 2009 by KTVU.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Feb 18, 2009 8:57 am US/Pacific
Man Robbed, Shot In East Palo Alto Craigslist Buy
EAST PALO ALTO (BCN) ─ An East Bay man was robbed and shot in East Palo Alto Tuesday eveningwhen he showed up to buy a vehicle advertised on Craigslist, accordingto the police department.
Officers responded to a local emergency room at about 6:50 p.m. whereAlex Garcia, 22, was being treated for a gunshot wound, according tothe East Palo Alto Police Department.
Garcia told police he went to the 1700 block of East Bayshore Roadafter arranging to purchase a vehicle through the Web site Craigslist.He contacted the suspect in a parking lot and then was told to go toanother at 1830 W. Bayshore Road.
Police reported that while Garcia was checking out the vehicle "forsale," three suspects with handguns confronted him and demanded $1,300cash he had for the vehicle he thought he was going to buy.
A fight ensued, during which Garcia was pistol-whipped several timesand wounded when a gunshot grazed his head, according to police.
Garcia told police he managed to get back to his vehicle and transporthimself to an emergency room where he was treated for injuries thatwere not life threatening.
The suspects fled the scene in an unknown direction, according to detectives.
Any witnesses to the robbery or anyone with information is asked tocontact East Palo Alto Police Department Detective David Carson at(650) 853-5957 or East Palo Alto Police Dispatch at (650) 321-1112.Information can also be communicated anonymously on the East Palo AltoTip Line at (650) 853-8477.
(© CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not bepublished, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Bay City Newscontributed to this report.)
就是因為平常我們都不隨身帶大量的現金 更要警惕
偶而我們還是會有要帶大量現金的時候 卻不知道可能會成為歹徒的目標
時機歹歹 就算到ATM去領錢也得要多注意身邊的動靜
(昨晚我告訴小豬這則新聞 結果他居然說我如果要買車會帶支票過去 可是不是每一個車主都願意收個人支票阿 一般都會要收銀行本票 要是被搶走不是一樣沒有了)
(上回朱大姐也是網路上向一名不認識的人買車 結果~~~ 買到有問題的車 在大家都沒有發前問題前那個人很聰明一直催促朱大姐要領現金給他 連支票都不願意拿
朱爸 小豬都去幫他檢查那輛車了 結果還是遺漏~ 這件事怪不得對方 本來買賣就是你情我願啦 後來朱二姐就學乖了 寧願多花一點錢 去LOCAL車商購買二手車 也不願意網路上隨便找人交易)
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