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2013-04-06 20:42:23| 人氣2,238| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

老歌亂談(七十八)Speak To The Sky

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今天,去參加了外甥女的告別式。過後,不知為何,這首有些熟悉的旋律不時的在腦海中浮現,努力的想了又想,才終於想起了這首歌的歌名是《Speak To The Sky》。  

看資料,這是出生於澳洲的歌手Rick Springfield在1971所推出的歌曲,並進入了澳洲排行榜的前十名,也因此開始受到美、澳唱片界的矚目。之後,Rick Springfield進軍美國,1982以一首冠軍曲《Jessie's Girl》獲葛萊美最佳搖滾男歌手獎。這位帥哥老兄也因為在美國電視影集General Hospital(1981~1983)飾演Dr.Noah Drake的角色,而為大眾所熟知。 

外甥女年紀輕輕,才三十來歲,個性活潑開朗,卻莫名的遭逢罹患絕症的噩運。遇到人生的無常,在百思無解之下,真的也只有Speak To The Sky了。



Speak to the sky when ever things go wrong
And you know you’re not talkin’ to the air, to the air
And the world will look better from up there

Speak to the sky ’cause things can get ya down
And you know when you’re talkin’ to the lord, to the lord
The world will look better than before

And if I stumble and it seems that I am blind
Or if the road I’m on seems awful hard to find
And though my conversation doesn’t always rhyme
I always try to find some time to .......

Speak to the sky and tell you how I feel
And to know sometimes what I say ain’t right
It’s all right
Cause I speak to the sky every night

And if I stumble and it seems that I am blind
Or if the road I’m on seems awful hard to find
And though my conversation doesn’t always rhyme
I always try to find some time to .......

Speak to the sky and tell you how I feel
And to know sometimes what I say ain’t right
It’s all right
Cause I speak to the sky every night

Speak to the sky when ever things go wrong
And you know you’re not talkin’ to the air, to the air
And the world will look better from up there



台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(七十九)Mercy Mercy
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(七十七)Don`t Play That Song(You Lied)

2013-04-08 15:45:52


2013-04-08 17:03:10
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