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2008-12-01 12:48:01| 人氣477| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Take that-patience

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Take That..雖然少了羅比威廉斯..不過我覺得他們更深沉了..


Just have a little, patience 
I'm still hurting from a love i lost, 
I'm feeling your frustration, 
Then maybe all the pain will stop, 
Just don't be close inside your arms tonight, 
dont be to hard on my emotions 

Cause i, need time, 
My heart is numb has no feeling, 
So while im still healing, 
Just try and have a little patience, 

I really wanna start over again, 
I know u wanna be my salvation, 
The one that i can always depend, 

I'll try to be strong, believe me, 
I'm trying to move on, 
It's complicated but understand me, 

Cause I need time, 
My heart is numb has no feeling, 
So while im still healing, 
Just try and have a little patience, 

Yeah, have a little patience, Yeah 

Cause this scar runs so deep, 
Its been hard, 
But i have to believe me, 

Have a little patience, 
Have a little patience, 

Cause i, i just need time, 
My heart is numb has no feeling, 
So while im still healing, 
just try, and have a little patience, 

Have a little patience, 
My heart is numb has no feeling, 
So while i'm still healing 
just try and have a little... Patience 

台長: Johanna
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: mUsiC |

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