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2004-08-05 09:10:19| 人氣249| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【英文詩】True love

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True love is night jasmine,
A diamond in darkness
The heartbeat no cardiologist has ever heard
It is the most common of miracles,
The most common of miracles
Fashioned of fleecy clouds
A handful of stars tossed into the night sky.

To love is to admire
To admire with the heart
To admire is to love
To love with the mind

True love is like a lamp
A flame in darkness
The warming no solar has ever done
It needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart
The oil of another's heart
Created by wanting,or
Its flame burns low coz love cannot endure indifference.

To love is to admire
To admire with the heart
To admire is to love
To love with the mind

Love conquers you
Love conquers me
Love conquers them
Love conquers all things.

台長: 季凡(紹暘)
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