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2018-12-29 15:30:24
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2009-06-09 17:34:35
2002-12-04 07:08:12

An ordinary day (reprint 父母心,接送情 )

今天下了一整天的雨,...... 早上, 我站在大門口交通導護, 看著一批批學生進學校; 有些學生走路上學, 有的坐公車, 有的則是家長接送。 在雨中,讓我感觸最深刻的, 是那些騎著摩托車,披著雨衣, 整...

2002-12-03 23:20:10

My stuff (episode III)--- Watch

His name is Guess, Steel Guess. I met him in Vancouver, Canada. When my first eye on him lying in the tax-free store, I knew he’ll be a veteran in battle. Without any consideration, I spent about US$...

2002-12-02 10:38:25

役男替企業賺錢 年薪百萬

【本報記者李志德】 憲法規定成年男子有服兵役的義務,兵役和稅賦一樣,都是國家運用公權力對人民自由權、財產權的剝奪,因此稅制與兵役制度是不是公平,不僅關係到國家能不能取得足夠的資源,更要體現社會的公平...

2002-12-02 00:18:22


幼稚男人:我想對她說很多話,其中大概只有「我想和妳做愛!」可以讓她感覺我成熟的一面,……。 成熟男人:我想對她說很多話,其中大概只有「我想跟妳結婚!」可以讓她感覺我天真的一面,……。

2002-12-01 12:01:33

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today (Nov. 28) is my mother’s lunar birthday. I decide writing some stuff to honor my dear mother, and to celebrate her birthday. She is a woman with perseverance (for her job), patience (for her...

2002-11-26 20:13:52

My stuff (episode II)--- Mobile Phone

Her name is Nokia, Eighty-three Ten Nokia, and I am used to call her nickname, 8310. She is a tasteful young lady, who likes to wear different styles of clothes, so she always shows an elegant tempera...

2002-11-26 16:55:12

NIKE Celebrates Its 30

NIKE Corp., established in 1972, is now having a campaign to celebrate its 30th anniversary. For human being,“30”comes naturally and easily, because time flies. But for a company, it deserves to be ...

2002-11-22 02:37:25



2002-11-20 09:51:18

「被閃電擊中,我的額頭一陣激痛... 」

http://tw.news.yahoo.com/2002/11/19/leisure/udn/3657688.html Check it out! Then go back to my article,…… 「被閃電擊中,我的額頭一陣激痛,彷彿被拳王以300磅的重拳K到。這是我在昏迷之前所記得唯一的感覺...

2002-11-19 20:15:36

My stuff (episode I)--- PDA

His name is Palm, M-one Thirty Palm, not Bond. He is a guy with good memory. He always remembers what I told him, and reminds me on exact moments. M130 has a clear brain to identify what I tell him, e...

2002-11-19 14:30:21

Congratulations, "LindaS"!

I have two friends who have the same English name---Linda. One is my junior high classmate and the other is my grad. schoolmate. The big Linda is now working in US while the little one makes living in...

2002-11-17 18:36:40

Morris on reading, Steve on thinking

In the latest issue of , there were many celebrities talking about "reading." The "godfather" of semiconductor industry, Morris Chang, shared his fruits about reading. He said " I've had the hobby(rea...

2002-11-14 08:25:03



2002-11-14 08:18:18



2002-11-14 08:09:39



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