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2006-11-04 08:05:05

Things to Check

Czerny 834: The New School of Velocity (wth??) Katsaris: May 23, Tues 8:00 PM http://cyprienkatsaris.net/en/concerts.htm CSMA http://www.arts4all.org/programs/bios/music/default.htm Vladimir ...

2006-11-04 08:04:23


It all falls under the general heading of music theory, but more precisely it’s considered "tonal harmony." (Which includes modulation.) This is typically covered in a music major’s basic 4 semes...

2006-11-04 08:03:26

Santiago Rodriguez


2006-11-04 08:02:52

Cyprien Katsaris

Bach Italian Journal Bach Keyboard Concerto Chopin!

2006-11-01 11:38:58


AR 忘記夏天- (Forgotten Summer) 黎明前的琉璃色- http://mh.www.jumpc.com/type.asp?typeid=522 魔法先生- http://mh.www.jumpc.com/type.asp?typeid=522 纯情房东俏房客- http://mh.www.jumpc.com/type.asp?ty...

2006-11-01 11:33:59

For this winter...

Czerny: (Try to nail) 4 etu Scarlatti: f minor Mendelssohn: First SWO Bach: Gigue from the 5th Partita Chinese: Silverly Clouds... FF’s: Passing Sorrow

2006-11-01 00:13:07

d statment

Having sex with anyone is a basic human right. Therefore, sex at any age, under any circumstances should be made legally permissible as long as there is a genuine mutual consent among those who are in...

2006-10-25 11:41:34

Italian Concerto ( 7 versions)

Gaverlov: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/samples/B000002SEN/ref=dp_tracks_all_2/002-0272516-0742458?%5Fencoding=UTF8#disc_2 Koroliov: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004TKFB/qid=1148166177/s...

2006-10-25 10:50:45
2006-10-25 08:30:05

生命行星拉警報 地球生態惡化 50年後大崩解

更新日期:2006/10/25 04:09 記者: 尹德瀚綜合報導 「世界自然基金會」(WWF)在其最新提出的世界生態系雙年報「生命行星報告」(Living Planet Report )中示警說,自然世界正以人類史上空前的速度惡化,如果不...

2006-10-24 12:04:56


Suall-松本英子 快有愛-蔡依琳

2006-10-19 15:18:39


mp3 players: iPod: http://www.apple.com/itunes/ DELL: http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/category.aspx?c=us&category_id=5906&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs LCD Screen: Camecorders

2006-10-18 20:12:27


晚期莫札特 12/16 (六) 19:30 新舞臺 (室內樂團之夜II) 傅聰/胡乃元/台灣絃樂團與特約音樂家 C小調慢板與賦格,K. 546 F大調鋼琴協奏曲,K. 459 降B大調鋼琴協奏曲,K. 595 小夜曲,K. 525 http://w...

2006-10-18 19:27:42


Hans Boepple 的音色很好,演奏也非常有歌唱性,但是他有幾個問題 他在rubato的運用上不是很自然,他有些地方刻意的沒有彈在拍子上, 讓人感覺慢半拍,導致於整個曲子 overall 的flow被打斷,感覺很可惜 ...

2006-10-18 15:48:58

重新整理 (Refreshing My Thoughts)

全面退出天堂,yahoo,和 KA 加入樂理學習功能 集中資料 重新定義自我,包括個人原則,風貌,形象,目的,價值觀 重新擬定學習計畫,時間作息 打工 整理房間 思考/計畫 退出天堂的原因 投資報酬率過低: 一...

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