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2007-11-12 10:17:26| 人氣326| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Do you like sushi?

I like it.

Not only because its pretty shape and good flavor, but also because

it reminds me of two great women in my life.

When I was a girl, my mom sometimes made sushi for the family

when we went picnicking.

The sushi made by mom was out of this world.

When I was in my master program in C.T five years ago,

my advisor’s wife, a Japanese woman, who was also my professor

teaching me writing, invited ten students to her house,

treating us many kinds of sushi made by herself .

I always remember the flavor of her yummy sushi and her love

and care for us.

Last Friday I joined a sushi cooking class in the church.

Our sushi teacher is also a priest,

he taught us three flavors of sushi and showed us how to make

tempura and fried pork chops.

I enjoyed the sushi made by myself and the great tempura

and fried pork chops.

The fee was just $5.

You know,the whole dishes

will cost me at least $25 if I eat at a restaurant.

Thanks god, you are so generous to me!

Want to know more about sushi?


Actually, Sushi comes from China!


如果你要形容嘴裡的食物很美味,不但可以用delicious, yummy 等形容詞,

還可以用美國人常講的慣用語”out of this world”來強調與誇大食物的好吃。

舉例:The strawberry cake is out of this world!

( 這草莓蛋糕真是太好吃了,驚為天人!)

The fried chicken is out of this world!


台長: 長小魚
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