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Non- Fiction 就要結束 (2006)

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Non-Fiction 就要結束

** 至今為止, 比較收穫滿滿且上課氣氛良好的課, 好像都跟寫作有關.
     這學期又到期末了, <學校長這樣也沒辦法, 我在Boston唸書的朋友, 現在才是期中而已....>
      Alex 於是有了這樣好笑的 e-mail 傳給大家
Hey yall. I know its busy as you wrap up the term, but Mei-Yen suggested (怎麼變成是我的提議了?? 明明是Alex自己先說可以去Murphy’s )  when I bumped into her that we all go to Murphy's after the last class. It's just that some naughty MALS students (you know who you are) tend to disappear into the woodwork after we have class together. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to come. Since I am sending out this invite, I offer to buy you all something at Murphy's. You may get whatever you like, but please allow me to make the following out-of-menu suggestions.

Matt- A bottle of tequila and two hits of acid (actually that might be on the menu).

Katy- Some Freedom (seasonal) and a non-psycho living mate. <應該是 Katie 才對>

Lonny- A train ticket to Pascoe (I hear it's nice this time of year if you have a can of beans)

Carrie- A library, a new dad, and a healthy body (sorry I can't do more, its these damn student loans)

Tim- A trip to Alaska in a 6-person Cesta and some bear mace.

Missy- Another Proctor to whip into shape and a doggie translating device (it seems you may already have one).

Moxie- A lifetime supply of wine and Captain Jerry's fishing boat from Captiva (its parked in the river)  <

Hap- Another shot at the Pallavicini ski mountain (however, you would probably prefer a beer).

Tian Tian- Another viewing of the new version of "Pride and Prejudice" and a game of hide-and-seek.

Laura- Some fishing line and some plastic spoons.

Mei-Yen- A big city, the opportunity to make a dramatic farewell speech at Murphy's, and a bother-free weekend.

Kathy- A gold-plated frame for your diploma from Smith College.  <

Luma- Another scholarship from the Fulbright Program. (I've never seen anything make someone so happy)     <
, 我不知道Luma 有拿到 Fulbright獎金耶

Professor Powers- Another Cold War mystery to investigate and a class of more ruly individuals.

<我們老師是寫情報和偵探小說出名的, 他跟CIA 的高層很有關係....

我以前都幻想說, 他如果課上到一半突然說要離開, 大概就是去出CIA 給的任務吧??>

I don't mean to make light of anyone's tragedies or adventures here. Thank you for sharing them all so freely with me. I think it's important to commemorate them, revel in them, mourn in them, and digest them. For me, I have learned that this is the only way to the peace, understanding and enjoyment of today. I wish you all the same and luck in the future.


 ** 沒同班的可能看不出笑點在哪裡; Alex 將大家在課堂中較有名的佳作或者他自己認為比較有趣的內容, 配合上每個作者的名字作串場......

所以每個人的  out-of-meanu 要帶的東西就變成這樣啦....


台長: Constance M.Y.
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