Extreme poverty is that households can’t provide the basic needs. In developing countries, lots of people can’t gain adequate nutrition, and other basic needs, like clean water, warm clothes, and etc. They only have small plots to farm, but those can’t support their living. However, in order to assist the extreme poverty in the third world, gaining some technical trainings and providing education are some ways to help them get a better living.
Technology and funds exist to provide extreme poor some basic needs. Drilling wells, providing sanitation systems, and assisting warm clothes are some examples of helping. Technical trainings can help them to become self-sufficient. Subsidizing the fertilizer gets adequate harvest can help extreme poor supplying enough food on their own. Providing elementary education could help the children prepare for the future.
According to the lecture, the international community has a responsibility to assist the third world. They have to use a lot of resources to help the developing countries, and raising extreme poor to get a better standard of living.