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對不起,之前對好朋友發火了,謝謝你們還是對我展現包容,請相信我真的有在努力啦,不是只會胡思亂想、自己嚇自己而已,在搞清楚別人之前,更重要的是搞清楚自己,最近認真地讀了許多有關love, infatuation, relationships, hands-holding, eye movements的文章,專業的學術論述或非專業的經驗漫談、宗教觀點,總之是亂看一通,雖然眾說紛紜、莫衷一是,但腦子不那麼一片醬糊了,有得比對的時候,總能得到一點安全感,沒什麼比滿天問號更恐怖了。





How Do You Know When You're in Love? -- Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright
Published February 11, 2008    FoxNews.com

So this is what all the hype's about! I was glowing. I was infatuated. I was walking on air. I was more alive than ever. At 28, I was helplessly, hopelessly falling in love for the very first time. Sure, I had had my fair share of teen and twenty-something crushes up to that point, but those were nothing like this!

With the man of my dreams equally smitten, I was suddenly finding myself in the throes of one of the most exhilarating, significant and emotionally intense experiences of my life. If you're lucky, you can relate.

Often likened to having a mental illness or drug dependency, romantic love is in many cases unplanned, inconvenient, involuntary and seemingly absurd.

In trying to make sense of the seemingly uncontrollable, the Romans believed that Cupid, the naughty angel, randomly shot his arrow at unsuspecting victims. The little bugger had gotten me all right, unexpectedly impacting my focus in the midst of my pursuit of a doctorate.

Deliciously delirious with love's intoxicating effects, I realized that this temporary state of insanity was actually invaluable in my sexuality studies. I could finally fully respond to a question often asked by my students and Web site visitors: How do you know when you’re truly falling in love?

It's a question that is probably on the minds of many people with Valentine's Day just days away.

As brilliantly described in Dr. Helen Fisher’s "Why We Love," here's how you know when you're love-struck:

You're suddenly shy, at least initially. Even the most confident can feel timid, anxious, awkward, and even fearful around a crush. You may turn pale, flush, tremble, stammer, sweat, feel dizzy, breathe faster, get weak in the knees and have "butterflies in your stomach." While such symptoms are flu-like, you’ve been struck with no more than a love bug.

You're suddenly manic. You may have lost your appetite or find yourself sleepless, yet feeling totally energized, even hyperactive. Know that you have your brain to blame. Elevated concentrations of dopamine, and its chemical derivative norepinephrine, are basically hijacking your brain, lowering your serotonin levels. These neuron-transmitters, known as monoamines, are what make us feel loopy with love.

You're obsessed. Your "love object" has taken on what psychologists call a "special meaning." This sweetie has become unique, novel, and all-important — the center of your universe. You are infatuated, focusing your energy and passion on every little thing associated with your honey.

Elevated levels of dopamine in your brain make for more focused attention and motivation in directing and attaining your amour goals. You are consumed with "intrusive thinking," fantasizing and daydreaming constantly about your beloved. One survey found that the love-obsessed reported thinking of their beloved for more than 85 percent of their waking hours. Not surprisingly, couples can describe how they fell in love with each other years later.

You've changed. You may find that you're revamping yourself. Between your clothing style, mannerisms, habits, and even values, you're willing to do almost anything and everything to win your loved one's affections.

You're on the ride of your life. Until the relationship offers security, you may feel like you're on a roller coaster. When things are good, you're on "cloud 9." But if a loved one is unresponsive right away, indicates something negative, seems indifferent ... basically, does anything to rattle you, you may feel despair, depressed, rage, mopey and listless until the situation is resolved. In Fisher's survey, 79 percent of men and 83 percent of women reported dissecting an adored one's actions.

You're sporting rose-colored glasses these days. Passion makes for perfect. While the love-struck can name faults their love object has, unlike the rest of us, they see these defects as charming and endearing. Love is blind. And you are willing to go to great lengths to make sure that the illusion you've created remains unscathed.

You have no desire for anyone else. You want sexual and emotional union with your one and only. Yet while lust — the craving for sexual gratification — is a major player in your passion pursuits — the desire for sex and monogamy are less important than the desire for an emotional union. Men and women ache to have their love returned more than anything.

Believe it or not, it seems that Mother Nature wanted to bestow all of the aforementioned on us during the attraction stage of coupledom. Lust is said to have evolved to motivate humans to seek sexual relations with almost any semi-appropriate partner. Romantic love, however, helps us to focus our mating attention on a specific person, helping us to conserve our energy and time with one courtship. Feelings of attachment, and its components of peace, calm and security, then take over for the long haul. With many arguing that this passionate state of affairs lasts no more than two years, be sure to enjoy this love drug while it lasts!


Eye movement meaning: Why do people make certain eye movements?


Looking up and left: Visual Recall: These eye movements indicate the person is remembering something they've seen and are picturing it in their mind.

Looking up and right: Visual constructed image: According to NLP eye movement theory this indicates that the person is imagining something they've never seen before and is creating a picture of it in their mind.

NB Staring ahead with eyes appearing unfocused and unmoving can also be a sign that your brain is accessing the visual parts of the brain. In other words, you are literally day dreaming and imagining some kind of picture or movie in your mind, even if you’re not consciously aware of the images you are seeing.

Looking to the left: Auditory recall: Eye locations going to the left indicate the person is remembering a sound they've heard and are hearing it in their mind.

Looking to the right: Auditory constructed sound: The meaning of eye movements to the right is that the person is imagining something they’ve never heard before, creating and hearing that sound in their mind.

Looking down and left: Internal dialogue: If you track a person's eyes to the lower left side, it is likely they are talking to themselves because this is where your eyes look when have an internal dialogue.

Looking down and right: Kinesthetic:  Eye movements to the lower right indicate the person is imagining what something feels like when they touch it, smell it or taste it, or what a feeling is like in their body. When the eye direction turns here it could also indicate the person is in touch with a certain emotion and what it feels like in their body.

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第一,我不常跟他說話, 單獨說話的次數到目前只有三次(聚會中的談話不算)三次談話的主題我都記得,只有一次提及妳.
第二,我不太記得有提到這件事.因為其他的事更重要.就算那一次我有跟他提過你討厭理論, 那也只有一次.怎麼是常常呢?
2012-05-01 15:46:13
2012-05-01 15:57:34
哈~~這會兒算是終於解脫了: )
2012-05-01 17:03:23
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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