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2002-09-20 09:16:28| 人氣182| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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這是我的第一份上台報告,也就是俗稱的Presentation,在短短的一周之內,全組七人完成了,『Has the world changed or what have we learned from the events of Sep. 11th?』專題報告。

想想跟這個題目還真是有緣,不但先前已經注意到了之外,也買了當天的報章雜誌;不過有趣的是,各國學生真是各有所長,泰國同學的POWER POINT技術一流,韓國同學認真的態度令人敬佩,印尼人的搞笑功力一流,另外一位日本同學就非常靦闐,不太像擁有積極進取的日本人,大陸人則是在文字創作上功力一流,不但文稿寫的好,還負責幫大家改稿。



Thank you June, now I would like to speak about how has the world changed. We would like to divide into three parts. They are politics, economy and culture and society. What I would like to talk about is politics.

In the first days after Sep. 11th, every politician and commentator seemed to think the world had indeed changed. However, a year later, the world doesn’t seem to have changed so very much after all. Moreover, it looks like the world is waiting with certain nervousness in case another big attack takes place.

Firstly, I would look at the America’s relationship with the rest of the world. In other words, The US faces up to an uncertain era. The idea that the end of the cold war might be an “ End of history”. Some Americans had lost interest in external issues. However, after Sep. 11th Americans became aware that they were not a model for progress of humanity. Besides, this has given President Bush a first-class opportunity to demonstrate America’s position as the world’s “unchallenged superpower”.

Secondly, I will look at Islam’s relationship with the rest of world. The majority of ordinary Muslims have been falsely labeled in the name of their religion. After Sep. 11th, it looks like a new revolution of Islam. In other words, the tension between western and Islam civilizations will never stop, not because of globalization or any other trend. The event of sep. 11th has also provided an opportunity for the different cultures to understand their differences and similarities.

Next, I would like to talk about the central structure of the international system.” The world came into line with The US”, The US used its power to bring governments around the world into line but failed to use its powers of persuasion to convince all opinions.

Furthermore, this could cause the damage of allowing war without the correct procedures. They are the sole tool which can destroy lives in the advance world to secure their objectives. In this case, we can find out President Bush said that if United nation don’t support, we will attack IRAQ by our self.
Lastly, I would like to talk about Justice against Terrorism. It is getting hard to define what Justice is and what Terrorism is. The boundary between two of them are getting ambiguous. It is also hard to build a new international order, because the basic value is changing between different culture or civilization conflicts. It is not nation against nation like the time during the cold war. The enemy has become invisible.

To conclude, I want to say the war on terror has not only built a new vocabulary but also a new justification for using violence. And it should not condense every political questions down to a single one- are you for or against terrorism? It is because the world’s problem has never been solved by such simple deifications.

Now, I would like to hand over to Yi. Let her to talk about the changes in economy.

台長: 阿耀
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