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2008-04-18 18:54:59| 人氣258| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

4 minutes

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I’m here to share the song that I like very much
”4 minutes” featuring Madonna and Justin Timberlake.
it’s really cool

these days I’ve been practicing my dance for that song
though I was tired out
but I got lots of fun when we were shooting the video we put on our YouTube Channel
the vidoe showed a lot of dancing skills
like Lockin’
and body pops

my friend Mandy who is a professional dancer
and I just asked her to teach me the a routine to Janet Jackson, Feedback

I’m going to have my drums class
see ya=)

台長: Smiley*
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I like this song and I love Justin very much !!
2008-08-22 23:26:33
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