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2008-04-29 18:45:18


Trying to be busy but in vain sometimes you try to make it through quickly but you’ll figure that things are not going to be whatever you want it to be Time is always against you My life is c...

2008-04-18 18:54:59

4 minutes

I’m here to share the song that I like very much ”4 minutes” featuring Madonna and Justin Timberlake. it’s really cool these days I’ve been practicing my dance for that song though I was ti...

2008-04-07 21:35:27


Family plays an important role in my life. especially my mom she’s the most intelligence woman I have ever met She has divorced before and now she got a remarriage with my dad so I got only half...

2008-04-04 11:24:52

New Little Something

I got little something these days I had lots of fun with my new PSP that I most forgot I got this blog operating haha I always play my PSP when I’m walking on the sidewalk my mom said I would ru...

2008-03-19 00:06:34


It’s Church day I went to church as usually with my familiy my dad gave me a palm tree leaf but I have NO idea what was it about so I swat my younger brother with it haha he thought that som...

2008-03-14 00:04:01


These days my friends and I have been shooting some weird videos,and we put it on the YouTube All these things we did just for fun though it felt a liitle bit idiot We got a lot of comments some f...

2008-03-08 00:15:20


最近我很喜歡做一些很沒大腦的事情 像是和朋友拍一些很蠢的短片 然後放在YouTube上 很白痴 可是很好玩 只是後來我發現 我跌倒的次數未免也太頻繁了吧!? 真是... 說不定到最後我跌倒都跌出興趣來了 3/23...

2008-02-26 20:59:41


我覺得我好像快得職業倦怠症 一直提不起精神工作 我好想怒吼 而且現在我msn不能登入 就覺得很不高興很想罵髒話... 又有失眠的現象 現在LA的時間是早上5點多 我大概3點就爬起來在家裡晃了 該不會是更年期提...

2008-02-21 21:58:10

I’m Back

我發現我好像用了整個寒假的時間在調時差 我星期一回到LA 可能是因為連續兩次長途飛行的關係 我到現在頭還有點暈... 哈哈好弱 不過我真的要講耶 同學,你推薦的楓之谷真的不錯xD 昨天和Miley出去吃飯 剛好...

2008-02-13 21:48:20


這幾天太無聊 過年那幾天一直下雨我也不知道要怎麼辦 只好一直一直不斷的玩電腦 班上的台灣交換學生推薦我玩"楓之谷" 我根本不知道那是什麼東西 不過感覺好像不錯 快點去下載(笑) 我的notebook應該快要被我塞...

2008-02-10 23:10:25


其實很高興可以延期回LA 一切都要感謝大塞車 哈哈哈... 我已經開心到無止盡的大笑了 真的很開心 所以昨天晚上很開心的跟妹妹Noah拍張照片慶祝 (什麼怪慶祝方式阿!) 我覺得我在一個寒假裡面快要變成橡皮人 ...

2008-02-06 01:55:49


PIC:表哥-漁人碼頭 剛從bowling alley回來 在LA根本還沒有機會可以去打保齡球 而且台灣的價格比US便宜很多 你也知道我們窮學生嘛... 表哥很帥氣的打了最高分 好厲害好厲害! 我小時候很想當表哥的女朋友...

2008-02-04 00:50:40
2008-02-03 21:36:42


用中文我真的想不出標題 哈哈,我弱掉了 這是我第一次去漁人碼頭 很多人,有很熱鬧的感覺 好多小孩子在那裡跑來跑去 好可愛 但是今天沒有拍到幾張照片 相機沒電了... * 話說昨天在我房間抽屜裡面翻出...

2008-02-02 19:58:20

Hello, Taiwan =D

回到台灣的生活真開心 可以打中文更開心 哈哈=D 距離我上次回到台灣的時間已經一年多了 可以回來整個很興奮 覺得所有的事物都好可愛(笑) 下午去逛街 路上的人都用很奇怪的眼神一直看我們 是因為我們在這種...

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