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2015-05-04 00:34:48

◆ The Church Live Concert ◆-2

◆ The Church Live Concert ◆◆ The Church Live Concert ◆Stringed instruments

2015-05-04 00:29:13

◆ The Church Live Concert ◆-1

◆ The Church Live Concert ◆◆ The Church Live Concert ◆Stringed instruments

2015-05-01 01:14:02

◆ For You--Love is never far away ◆

◆ For You--Love is never far away ◆For the man who comes into his rest has had rest from his works, as God did from his. (Hebrews 4:10)

2015-05-01 01:11:20

◆ Lily of the Valley ◆

◆ Lily of the Valley ◆Love Comes Again~◆ Lily of the Valley ◆Love Comes Again~

2015-04-30 01:10:28
2015-04-27 14:10:21

◆ For The Children--RABBIT-2 ◆

◆ For The Children--RABBIT-2 ◆看著小朋友的作品,自己都覺得超愉快的。呵~~~~~(有些來不及拍)小朋友們的作品都有他們小小的心思,真的超療癒的!^^這天天氣好,大朋友小朋友也很多,美勞時間超熱鬧的,美勞完成後...

2015-04-27 14:06:32

◆ For The Children--RABBIT-1 ◆

◆ For The Children--RABBIT-1 ◆◆ For The Children--RABBIT-1 ◆Children have a simple heart~ teach us enjoy the simple moments.

2015-04-27 01:23:04
2015-04-24 03:06:56


◆ I LOVE YOGA~ MADAM◆提早去暖身,遇見近期來的新同學,她比我更早到。她問我~ 這班的老師教的體位是不是比較難?我回答~ 好像都還好!對我而言。接著她又說~ 我告訴妳,我上另一班比較輕鬆一點,但是...那班的男...

2015-04-23 16:18:23

◆ Fried leek(cabbage) dumplings & GYOZA ◆

◆ Fried leek(cabbage) dumplings & GYOZA ◆◆ Fried leek(cabbage) dumplings & GYOZA ◆◆ Fried leek(cabbage) dumplings & GYOZA ◆

2015-04-21 23:03:13

◆ commission ◆

◆ commission ◆很多的行業都有屬於自己成文的commission獎金系列,有的是底薪,但每賣一份商品會給個固定單價,case by case.如果再賣到一定的業績,還有額外的獎金。有的是賣高單價的大商品,這是有底價的,如果業...

2015-04-21 02:19:54

◆ 當行的路 ◆

==============================================Let the story of your mercy come to me in the morning,for my hope is in you: give me knowledge of the way in which I am to go; for my soul is lifted up to...

2015-04-19 00:45:33

◆ Went to a workshop--Calligrapher & Spirit of Calligraphy ◆

◆ Went to a workshop--Calligrapher & Spirit of Calligraphy ◆聽了一場書法家的詩書畫講座,很豐富的內容,特別是作者書寫創作的精神,都是有著故事和正向的文字,聽了、看了都非常的舒服,心情也非常好,作...

2015-04-17 01:10:44


◆ I LOVE YOGA~ ◆ ◆ I LOVE YOGA~ ◆ 瑜伽課,到第二節時,另一位學員才來,但她小胖老公沒來。老師問著~ 老公怎沒一起來?同學說著~ 小胖準備開刀了...心臟要裝支架... 老師說~ 平時不是有運動、上瑜伽...老師又...

2015-04-16 03:23:22

◆ 賢賢供構--史上最貴的理髮代價 ◆

◆ 賢賢供構--史上最貴的理髮代價 ◆ 阿賢又來供構了!史上最貴的理髮代價?這可不是啥沒幾根頭髮,也要上貴三三的"純理容院"或"美髮廳"之類的。話說~ 有個婦人無法生育而求告上帝,上帝的使者向那婦人顯現和叮嚀,「...

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